Page 41 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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Their approach goes beyond traditional armed such as Eye in The Sky cameras and automatic number-
response services, as they strive to drive a proactive plate recognition (ANPR) systems. These advancements
community policing and partnering strategy. Blue ensure improved surveillance in public areas and bolster
Security provides their clients with real solutions that their clients’ overall safety. With the Blue Security Mobile
minimise preventable crime. Alongside the largest Panic App, you can receive instant notifications and
fleet of response vehicles in greater Durban, their stay informed about your alarm system’s activity. The
Armed Response Officers, and a state-of-the-art Control knowledge that your panic button is directly connected
Centre for designated areas, they have established a to immediate assistance during emergencies provides
Community Crime Prevention Unit (CCPU) led by highly you with peace of mind. Through collaborations
trained ambassadors and tactical officers. They are with their partners Dahua Technology and IDS, they
supported by a Community Command Centre (CCC) embrace the latest technological breakthroughs,
that monitors and responds to over 450 business and allowing them to offer smarter and more effective ways
residential community crime WhatsApp groups. These of safeguarding your property and personal well-being.
operatives collaborate with neighbourhood watch These partnerships have resulted in the development
groups, emergency first responders, SAPS, Metro of safety and security power solutions that address
Police, and dedicated paramedics, employing a holistic, challenges like load shedding, enabling us to better
intelligence-based approach to combatting crime. cater to their clients’ needs.
In Blue Security’s ongoing commitment to transparency, As we navigate the dynamic challenges of an
their Crime Map, which displays incidents reported to ever-changing world, Blue Security’s vision of
their Control Centre, serves as a valuable tool for Blue’s “active, engaged communities living free of fear”
business and residential customers, as well as the public. deeply resonates with their mission to foster safer
It provides an interactive and up-to-date overview of environments where the local communities in KZN
the latest crime trends across Durban and further allows can thrive. To establish a robust defence against crime
the user to set up “notification zones”, which, once done, in neighbourhoods, Blue implements its Blue Zone
will send the user a message of incidents occurring in strategy. This approach involves tailoring bespoke
the specific area. solutions based on the specific geographical area and
the prevalent types of crime, while also considering the
The commitment to innovation at Blue Security is strategic safety needs of the residents. They prioritise
clearly demonstrated by their range of value-added real-time data collection and utilise artificial intelligence
services, such as Blue Sky. This comprehensive offering and data analytics to provide timely alerts. Through
includes Blue Aid Medical Emergency and Blue Help their “Virtual Estates” initiative, they offer cutting-edge
Roadside Assistance, showcasing their dedication to solutions that leverage state-of-the-art AI-powered
enhancing their clients’ safety and security. They make technology to enhance the safety of residents residing
substantial investments in cutting-edge technology, in non-gated estates. 39