Page 45 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 45

Professor King emphasised that some of the greatest
         minds on earth had been drawn together over the
         past decades to focus on models to support ESG
         initiatives, integrated reporting, and the development
         of manageable governance frameworks. “While many
         of these fine minds brought together for this purpose
         of improving business effective considerations
         had different backgrounds and perspectives
         on organisational success, each had a valuable
         contribution to make in defining supportive business
         frameworks to result in more businesses being
         successful in the market,” furthered Professor King.
         As the conversation continued, King highlighted the
         importance of conscious corporate leadership as the
         collective mind of any Board.
         Professor King also noted that: “One hopes that
         mankind does one day reach that point of evolution   leadership, and meeting responsible corporate
         wherein a mature and caring fashion can share   citizenship expectations, were more critical than
         knowledge and kindness to others that seek to   merely providing a governance framework to guide
         establish their value-creating pursuits in the economy   business leaders and governing bodies towards
         for the betterment of communities, society, the   achieving success and prosperity.
         environment, and the world at large.”
                                             That it is relatively easy for business leaders and
         At  this  point,  it  was  pointed  out  that  the  King   organisational teams to follow processes to reach
         Committee had recognised that the best frameworks   milestones and goals has become clearer. However, to
         ever conceptualised needed to start with the concept   Professor King’s point, when they are empowered to
         that the organisation was incapacitated, and its   make collective decisions, they can, at times, become
         corporate leaders were the heart, mind, soul and   subjective, and choose outcomes that positively affect
         conscience of the company.          their prosperity and hierarchical endeavours.
         Responsible Corporate Citizenship   Executives’ ultimate aim should be to recognise their
         Great value is given to organisations that meet   true responsibility as leaders and as governing bodies
         legislative requirements to operate efficiently and   to act in the long-term best interests of the health and
         to ensure value creation and process effectiveness.     sustainability of the organisation.
         To support the aim of encouraging leaders and   White reveals that he learnt from the great Professor
         governing bodies to adopt ethical practices,   King that, in particular, business outcomes are
         the term ‘responsible corporate citizenship’ was   directly affected by the simple processes of thinking,
         created. This is the recognition by an organisation,   considerations and actions adopted by business leaders.
         no matter its incorporation, that it has legal, social,
         cultural and environmental responsibilities.    Guiding Light
         Being a responsible corporate citizen means being   White concludes “Clearly maturity in the business
         guided  by  moral  and  ethical  standards  in  daily   leaders and governing bodies, who recognise their
         interactions with customers,  stakeholders, and   role in society as critical in creating engaging work
         employees. It also means that one values, monitors and   environments that include community, environmental,
         beneficially affects communities and societies at large.   social and governance considerations, is the
         For example – constructively mining or harvesting,   guiding light needed to help improve our collective
         without absorbing more raw materials from the   and economic challenges. This is the proud work
         environment  than  can  be  replaced  by nature herself   BusinessFit SA, BusinessFit Academy, and BusinessFit
         within a reasonable period.         International.”
                                             BusinessFit has recognised that quality assurance
         Lastly, the mantle of responsible corporate citizenship
         strengthens employee engagement and commitment,   standards, when implemented correctly within an
         raises staffing energy levels, and enhances purpose   enterprise, significantly increases the enterprise’s
         and contribution from individuals and teams within the   ability to achieve success. Successful enterprises
         organisation.                       create  sustainable  employment,  and  as  such,
                                             quality assurance and a well-structured governance
         Achieving Success                   framework is essential in building thriving enterprises
         Professor King’s emphasis that ethical and effective   and support growing nations.

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