Page 39 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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range, led by the ground-breaking 60-ton 4x4 crossover  that appeals to the broader farming community.
         concept, the B60E, which targets high production   Bell Equipment Sales South Africa
         operations where poor underfoot conditions limit the
         suitability of rigid dump trucks.   In South Africa, Bell is also a full range materials
                                             handling distributor and an equipment supplier thanks
         As a technological innovation leader, Bell has   to strategic partnerships with global manufacturers
         pioneered several features geared at improving   such as JCB, Finlay and Kobelco. This enables Bell
         productivity and safety while delivering the lowest   to complement its own mining and construction
         cost per tonne of material moved. In addition, Bell   range with diverse equipment including wheel
         Equipment’s proprietary fleet monitoring system,   loaders, excavators, backhoe loaders, telehandlers,
         Fleetm@tic®, enables customers to manage their fleet   skid steers, forklifts, compaction machinery and a
         according to their operating environments.  material processing product line. Distribution and
         As an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM),   support take place through Bell Equipment’s network
         Bell  has  three  distinct  business  units,  Bell  Mining  &   of 22 Customer Service Centres strategically located
         Construction, Bell Underground Mining, and Bell   throughout the country.
         Forestry  &  Agriculture.  Each  provides  a  dedicated   Our Bell Culture
         focus in terms of both product development and
         support.                            Bell Equipment employs locally and is an integral part
                                             of the communities in which it operates. Listed on
         Bell Mining & Construction          the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, the group takes
         Bell Articulated Dump Trucks are at the core of the   its responsibilities as a corporate citizen seriously
         company’s mining and construction business, which   purchasing  from  local  supplies wherever  possible
         is complemented by the Bell Versatruck programme,   and investing in meaningful outreach opportunities
         which offers niche custom equipment, such as water   with a particular focus on education, training, and
         tankers, hooklifts, flat decks and fire trucks, based on   development, both internally and externally.
         the proven Bell ADT chassis.        The strength of the Bell brand lies in the strong family
         Highly customisable, Bell Tracked Carriers provide   values of integrity, honesty, accountability, and respect
         a durable short-haul solution for construction sites   that are the foundation of the business. Customers are
         with  soft  underfoot  conditions  that  require  low   valued as part of the extended Bell family, creating a
         ground pressure machines either for environmental   unique and healthy working environment.
         or traction reasons.                Our motto ‘Strong Reliable Machines, Strong
         In 2024 the company will start production of the Bell   Reliable Support’ represents our customer-devoted
         Motor Grader range.                 beliefs, ideals and ethical stance throughout our
                                             manufacturing, distribution and support network that
         Bell Underground Mining             provides technical backup and advice to our customers
         With a focus on meeting the future needs of   around the globe for our world-class products.
         underground mining, the company has the Bell
         Rockscaler, based on the Bell Tri-wheeler, and
         underground dump trucks that have an autonomous
         ready platform and are equipped with the same
         industry-leading safety features and production
         advantages found in our surface ADTs.
         Bell Forestry & Agriculture
         The cornerstone of Bell in its formative years, the
         company sees long-term value in strengthening and
         growing its Bell Forestry and Agriculture business unit.
         The well-established Tri-wheeler, Haulage Tractor
         and Timber Truck have evolved to keep abreast of
         technology advances to offer improvements in
         safety, comfort, and productivity. The company has
         also introduced new products, such as the Skogger,
         FASTfell, Log Pro, Cane Pro and UltEco Slew Loader, to
         provide niche mechanised solutions.
         Within South Africa Bell distributes the JCB Agriculture
         range alongside  the  Bell Forestry  and  Agricultural
         range providing a customised range of equipment

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