Page 65 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 65

IDENTIFYING DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES  Whether you’re looking to purchase a home or
                                             investment property in one of South Africa’s premier
         Founded in 1997 and headed by CEO Mark Taylor, the   estates, plan a world class event or take your family
         eLan Property Group has become a leader in real estate   away on the holiday of a lifetime, the eLan team is
         marketing and sales, catalytic development, sales of   waiting to help make it happen.
         hospitality investment projects and more recently   Shift Africa
         diversified into other investment opportunities. The     Shift Africa, an initiative conceptualised by the eLan
         eLan Property Group is dedicated to developing   Property Group’s, eLan foundation, combines corporate
         environmentally sustainable, strategically located and   social responsibility with general business sense.
         economically viable developments in SA and abroad.
                                             The initiative seeks to create jobs and small businesses
         The group has also developed a unique model in its   out of its catalytic Blythedale Coastal Estate deve-
         hospitality division; allowing existing hotels to convert   lopment. Working with eLan, Shift Africa can give you
         their property into sectional title hotels. In doing so,   the start you dreamed of but more importantly – you get
         they offer individual investors a return, and existing   to be part of something bigger, something better, you
         hotel owners an immediate payback on their capital.   join the Shift Africa Community.
         This was the model used with the President Hotel in
         Cape Town and the iconic Riverside Hotel in Durban;   Shift-Africa represents a fundamental change in which
         southern Africa’s most profitable sectional title hotel   upliftment is viewed in South-Africa. This is a potential
         (in terms of ROI) and a true eLan success story.   solution to “upliftment through ownership”, where
                                             small businesses are  given  the chance to grow and
         South African property developments are currently   thrive in a system centred on various business hubs.
         in great demand with both local and international   One business hub, for example a residential estate, can
         investors  and home buyers and  eLan has  facilitated   be the catalyst for the emergence and sustenance of
         developments in excess of R2 billion, including the   SMMEs and informal sector businesses in the business
         fastest selling residential estate in the country, Simbithi   hub’s region of operation.
         Eco Estate in Ballito.
                                             Shift Africa empowers existing and prospective
         The Group’s focus now shifts to developing the   business owners, with the objective of creating as
         Blythedale Coastal Resort to its maximum capacity   many sustainable small businesses as possible around
         and having partnered with the Dube Community in   a  catalytic hub. Starting  at Blythedale on the  north
         this venture, they are proud to call themselves the   coast, this initiative will provide small businesses with
         Development Company of Blythedale.
                                             opportunities, training, and connections, in their bid to
         The Blythedale Coastal Estate on the north coast of   become autonomous and self-sustainable.
         KwaZulu-Natal consists of five dynamic residential
         estates (Blythedale Golf, Hills, Forest, Ocean and
         Equestrian) as well as a catalytic hotel.
         The Approach
         The Group is conceptualising or planning a number
         of other developments in the residential and
         hospitality sectors. The approach is one of strategic
         planning and building relationships with like-minded
         individuals and organisations. They wish to partner
         with those who share a passion for investing in the
         vast hospitality and real estate opportunities that the
         African continent has to offer. With their extensive and
         experienced team of professionals in the hospitality,
         marketing and property development sectors, eLan
         looks to the future with keen anticipation.
         Investor Club
         Consistently raising the standards of property
         developments on the African continent and the Indian
         Ocean islands, what sets eLan apart is its approach of
         actively engaging with potential investors through
         its very own eLan Investor Club. These stakeholders
         are offered the means to increase their own personal
         portfolios and create annuity income that provides
         long-term return of investment.

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