Page 70 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 70
No. of Employees: 1 700
Bank: ABSA, Capitec, First National Bank, Nedbank and
Standard Bank
Our Vision is to be the center of excellence in the funeral
To offer services equal to none in order to propel strong
growth for our company.
Nomfundo Mcoyi OUR MISSION
Our mission is to deliver exceptional service as a funeral
Full Name of Company: Icebolethu Group society to perform dignified funerals and services.
Icebolethu Group Comprises: To provide an efficient and effective service without
§ Icebolethu Funerals compromising industry standards.
§ Icebolethu Burial Service
§ Icebolethu Tombstones KEY PERSONNEL
§ Icebolethu Funerals UK CEO: Nomfundo Mcoyi-Zondo
§ Icebolethu Foundation CONTACT DETAILS
§ Icebolethu Security Services Physical Address: 277 Umbilo Road, Congella, Durban,
§ Icebolethu Academy 4000
§ Icebolethu Properties and Investments
§ Icebolethu Catering Tel: +27 (0)31 719 1865
§ Icebolethu Memorials. E-mail:;
§ iMobile;
§ iTravel Website:
A LIFESTYLE BRAND associations, and similar groups. The aim is to make
Icebolethu Group accessible to all those who need it
Icebolethu Group was established in 2009 by Group and through partnerships with bigger organisations,
Chief Executive Officer Dr Nomfundo Mcoyi-Zondo members are covered and get Icebolethu benefits
who was inspired by the need for a reputable funeral through the scheme funeral cover. The company also
service provider, particularly in black communities. has a fleet centre, an academy for staff training and
Through hard work, unwavering dedication, and two call centres.
ambition, fourteen years later, Icebolethu Group has The company’s motto, ‘We do life with you’ is shown
over one hundred and thirty customer service branches through the company offering lifestyle products to
and 32 mortuaries, two call centres, a training academy, its clients through partnerships with brands like Pick
and admin offices in Durban and Johannesburg. n Pay, Shoprite, Ster Kinekor, Nu Metro, The Foschini
Eight years ago, Icebolethu Group opened a branch Group, Steers, Milky Lane, Woodford Car Hire, and
in London, England specifically to take care of South other established brands. The company has also
Africans and SADC nationals living and working in the partnered with a payment portal company, allowing
United Kingdom ( The its members to pay their premiums at many retailers
London branch mainly offers repatriation and funeral across the country.
cover for SADC residents living in the UK.
The organisation provides a 24-hour call centre service
Within Icebolethu Funerals is Icebolethu Corporate and has packages designed to suit the desired target
which offers group scheme funeral cover that provides audience to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.
products and services to individuals belonging to The vision of Icebolethu Group is to be the centre
group schemes such as companies, churches, stokvels, of excellence in the funeral Industry. This influences