Page 75 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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social, system and structure issues that hinder    providing innovators with business and technical skills
            growth and perpetuate poverty.   taking them from concept to commercialisation.
            ƒ Collaborating with, and connect, stakeholders    The Innovation Support Fund and Advisory offers
            from all spheres, to work together to ‘disrupt’    support to innovators that have a more focused need
            thinking, and practice and create new    for  funding  for  prototype  development  and  testing.
            opportunities for active participation by all in    This also includes ad hoc advisory services.
            growth and renewal.
            ƒ Connecting those in need with real opportunity,    The annual Innovation Festival Durban (IF Durban)
            by providing, inter alia, practical tools and training,    brings together thought-leaders, innovators, creatives
            access to resources and support for self-   and  business  to  learn  about  the  innovative  trends  in
            improvement, business start-ups and community-   various industries. It is also an opportunity to showcase
            building and upliftment.         the successful innovators and innovations that are
            ƒ Celebrating the city of Durban, promoting all that    developed in Durban.
            it has done and will do for its citizens, to attract,    The Innovate Durban Pitching Den is an annual event
            retain and support the business and investors    hosted within the Innovation Festival. It provides an
            needed to underpin growth and development.  opportunity for innovators to market or pitch their
         Their facilities include the Innovate Durban head office,   innovative products / solutions. The top three pitches
         in Durban CBD and Innovation Co-Lab, launched in 2021   are awarded prize money to develop their ideas or
         and situated in the township community of Cato Manor.  businesses.
         Innovation Co-Lab                   The Capacity and Skills Development Programme
         The  Innovation Co-Lab  is  a community  centre  that   focuses on critical and future skills development,
                                             including but not limited to: design thinking, digital
         is designed to empower people to become more   literacy and skills development, robotics, virtual
         innovative in problem-solving, create opportunities for   reality, drone pilot training and acceleration, and
         new businesses, create jobs, and tackle social issues in   specialised machine training.
         their community.
                                             The Innovate Durban Research Programme produces
         The centre is fully kitted with technological equipment   research outputs that seek to inform the organisation,
         such as 3D and resin printers, VR technology, drones,   its stakeholders, beneficiaries, investors,  and the
         robotics kits, and laser cutters that anyone can access   general public  on  the  status  of  innovation  within
         and have use of this type of equipment. The purpose of   Durban, the level and type of support available and the
         developing a centre of this nature in Cato Manor is to make   gaps that exist.
         innovation and technology more accessible to lower
         income members of the community. Plans are underway   In addition to the above programmes and platforms,
         to develop more Co-Lab’s in other township economies   Innovate Durban offers the following services for
         with an additional centre set up in Richmond, KZN.  businesses:
                                                ƒ Innovation management and advisory
         Programmes and Events
                                                ƒ Customised innovation and intrapreneurial
         The Youth Innovation Challenge (YIC) is an annual   programmes
         programme that  provides youth  with an  opportunity     ƒ Innovation centre/hub development
         to address challenges faced by various sectors and     ƒ Laser cutting services
         organisations in an innovative and creative way.    ƒ 3D printing services
         The Start Up Support Programme (SUSP) is a 12-month     ƒ Venue hire

         innovation and business accelerator programme  ƒ Co-working space

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