Page 77 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 77

Financial Management Solutions & Audit Readiness  requirements. They further assist with preparation of
         They  understand the need to  obtain clean audit   the annual financial statements using CaseWare and
         opinions and they have the skill and expertise to   fully understand the mSCOA requirements as per the
         provide solutions to the public sector to achieve this.   National Treasury mSCOA template, for implementation.
         Their approach will be tailored to the client needs and   Technical training & capacity development
         focused on addressing prior year audit qualification   Staying abreast of the recent changes in accounting
         and disclaimer matters.             standards for the public sector can be daunting for
         They are further able to assist in implementation of   many organisations.
         processes to enable clients to maintain improved audit   They  ensure  that  they  are  up  to  date  with  the  latest
         opinions. Critical to improving audit opinions, is ensuring   changes in accounting standards and their  approach
         that the configuration and parameters on the financial   to implementation of  these changes involves both
         management  software systems are setup to transact   classroom training and one-on-one coaching, in order
         in accordance with GRAP and mSCOA requirements.     to build knowledge for life within their clients.
         The review of integration between sub-systems and
         core financial systems, and the need to automate   Municipal Standard Chart Of Accounts (mSCOA)
         processes performed manually is necessary to reduce   All municipalities and related municipal entities were
         misallocations and improve the quality and reliability of   required to transact in compliance with the mSCOA
         transactional data.                 Regulations from 1 July 2017. The mSCOA implementation
                                             remains a challenge for municipalities, particularly in
         Central to their approach, is a focused capacity building   ensuring accurate transactional data and reporting.
         and development strategy that enables effective skills
         transfer to officials in a sustainable manner. Their   Policies & Procedures
         capacity building programme is focused on both a   Process implementation is key to ensuring effective
         classroom style  foundational approach as  well  as a   financial management within any organisation. They
         hands-on practical training solution, to enable all   are able to assist in the development/review of financial
         officials to perform their tasks effectively, without   management policies and procedures, including process
         reliance on consultants in the future.  reviews and implementation, aligned to financial
                                             management frameworks and best practice.
         Financial Statement Preparation & Review
         Inspired Financial Management Solutions is able to   Revenue & Cash Flow Management
         assist in the preparation of annual and interim financial   Effective  cash  flow  management  is  critical  to  service
         statements in accordance with accounting frameworks   delivery within the public sector.  They are able to review
         and legislation requirements, together with supporting   the current collection model for revenue, including
         documentation and working papers. They are further   the accuracy and completeness of billing, and the
         able to review the interim and annual financial statements   management of water and electricity losses through
         to ensure compliance with the accounting framework   the use of accountants and specialist engineers.

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