Page 73 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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which houses all regional offices, was established to   “In response to the unrest and the floods the KZN
         streamline offerings and better serve the IDC’s diverse   team worked around the clock to ensure that as many
         clients, especially those outside of Gauteng.  businesses were swiftly put back online and were able
                                             to operate again.  We really didn’t close the door on
         The  realignment  process  brought  about  a  key  focus
         on the SME sector and enhancement of turnaround   anyone and we tried to take away some of the pain and
         times for clients. To reduce the number of touch   devastation that both businesses and the community
                                             were experiencing,” explained Moodley.
         points, the regional offices now handle funding
         proposals up to R20 million from cradle to grave, while    The IDC’s post-unrest and flood relief interventions
         transactions over this amount are immediately referred   not only provided funding, but assisted in ‘building
         to the relevant business unit at head office for further   business back better’. “Where necessary, old equipment
         processing. This process means that the client deals   was replaced, which has resulted in greater efficiencies
         with the relevant person from day one, significantly   and more globally competitive operations. In some
         reducing the turnaround time for applications.  cases,  this  intervention  allowed  not  only  jobs  to  be
                                             preserved,  but more jobs to be created,” explained
         The KZN regional office has a strong and committed
         team that is client orientated, focused, and has an   Moodley.
         open-door policy. They are there to help all clients and   In response to the hardships that were being faced, the
         have strong relationships with other funding entities   IDC further assisted eligible businesses by  extending
         in the province. If a project does not meet the IDC’s   funds at zero percent interest over 12 months which
         mandate, the KZN team goes the extra mile to not only   was  followed by a  very  low interest rate thereafter.
         refer them to a more suitable institution, but walk the   Grants which allowed fixed expenses such as salaries
         journey with the client to ensure that they land in the   to be paid while rebuilding was in progress also largely
         correct hands,.“Our responsibility as a  development   assisted  government’s  efforts  in  the  recovery  and
         finance institution is to assist clients. If we can’t assist in  stabilising of the KZN’s economy.
         line with our mandate, we will pass clients on to other   In addition to the business recovery efforts, the IDC
         relevant development finance institutes with whom we   also has a very strong corporate social responsibility
         have very good relationships,” explained Moodley.
                                             programme which also played a huge role in assisting
         A recent beneficiary of IDC funding is ARTsolar, which is   affected communities, especially those in remote and
         South African owned and based in New Germany. The   rural areas, to rebuild their lives. Moodley explained,
         company, one of two local manufacturers specialising   “We have a long history of working among the
         in high volume manufacturing of solar panels, has   communities of KZN. During the unrest and the floods,
         now embarked on a massive upgrade of its production   we made sure that the underprivileged communities
         facility.  The IDC’s investment has resulted in significant   affected were given the assistance they needed to ease
         employment opportunities created by the Durban-   their plight.”
         based company and extends within other companies   The IDC’s KZN team is committed to working with
         in the value chain.
                                             entrepreneurs and communities alike to grow the
         Significantly, the KZN regional office played a pivotal   province’s  economy by  providing funding which
         role in assisting the province recover from the unrest   will enable job creation and improve the lives of
         experienced in July 2021 and the floods in April 2022.   its citizens.

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