Page 78 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 78


       Name of Company: Invest Durban     KEY PERSONNEL
                                          Acting Deputy City Manager: Mr. Lihle Phewa
       Nature of Business: Investment promotion for eThekwini
       Municipality                       HOD: Russell Curtis
                                          CONTACT DETAILS
       Services / Products: “First Stop Shop” to attract, retain,
       expand and facilitate foreign direct investment into   HEAD OFFICE
       the Durban Metro. We provide marketing support, free   Physical Address: 41 Margaret Mncadi Avenue, 11 Floor,
       investment advisory services, project management   Durban, 4001
       assistance, opportunity identification, and regulatory   Postal Address: P.O. Box 1203, Durban, 4000
       process facilitation to foreign investors, plus local   Tel: +27 (0)31 311 4227
       empowerment partners.              E-mail:
       Date Established: 2001         

                                          FIRST STOP SHOP
                                          Invest Durban was recommended by the Durban City
                                          Council and organised private business as the First
                                          Stop Shop to stimulate new investment in the Durban
                                          metropolis. We act as a partnership between the Metro
                                          City Council and the private business sector, offering
                                          a free investor advisory service, plus key promotion,
                                          facilitation,  and  aftercare  services  between  all
                                          investment stakeholders.
                                          Invest Durban delivers  a world-class  Metro  based
                                          investor support service, encompassing our four part
                                          business mandate, namely investment promotion and
                                          marketing; foreign investment identification, attraction
       Nelson Mandela Cruise Terminal Durban  and facilitation; FDI aftercare and expansion, plus
                                          investment advocacy.
                                          Invest Durban works together with organisations
                                          such as the Department of Trade & Industry including
                                          Invest SA, Trade and Investment KZN (TIKZN), the
                                          Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the KZN
                                          Growth Coalition, and State-Owned Enterprises such
                                          as Dube TradePort, the DBSA, IDC, Eskom, ACSA and
                                          The thrust of Durban’s proposition to attract investors
                                          can be put into three broad categories:
                                             ƒ Premium Destination; a business and lifestyle
                                             environment most conducive to profitable,
                                             sustainable, with ample land available
       Durban Aerial view with city centre and coastLine Durban Tourism    ƒ Catalytic Projects, which have the potential to

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