Page 67 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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their income. However, this does not take away the confidence in host employers that we place multi-
fact that they still need workers in order to operate at skilled and work ready candidates.
optimal level and the business to grow. We at Esinam The digital inclusion portion of our work readiness
strategically place TVET students with companies programme aims to benefit the TVET graduate in a
relevant to their fields of study. The businesses are small sense that they will be in possession of multi-skills,
enough to train the student in all facets of the business, which are in demand. As such, they are likely to survive
whilst not being strained with salaries, assisting the the scourge of unemployment. This programme assists
students complete their in-service requirement and them in becoming creative and innovative when
gain valuable work experience. thinking of starting their own businesses. Students
Our job does not end at placing the graduates but need to be involved in technology especially as the
also manages their learning experience whilst they world embraces the fourth industrial revolution.
work. The reason being, we want to ensure that the The inclusion of TVET tradesmen graduates in
small business does very well whilst the graduates digitalised societies will bring about an understanding
are there and grows to such an extent that the that we live in a world of inter-related systems. This
entrepreneur absorbs the graduate, as they are now approach will ensure that there a connection between
familiar with that particular business. the different industries as well as an awareness of the
Where graduates are not absorbed, we offer them correlations and synergies in place.
additional skills, including entrepreneurial skills, We go one further in our range of interventions and
where we teach them to start a business with the host upskilling workshops for lecturers. Lecturers
skills they’ve acquired. So, they in turn may become have a great influence on young minds. They are their
the employers, creating jobs and paying forward the first point of contact for knowledge acquisition and
opportunity once given to them. This approach then young people often hold them in very high esteem.
becomes a win-win situation for all parties involved. It is essential that they understand the modern world
If we look at various methods of facilitation, technology of business and that they are able to manage the
is part of many students’ experiences, regardless of expectations of future employees or needs of young
their field of specialisation. Prior to business placement, entrepreneurs.
the youth/graduates undergo our work readiness, We also have frequent upskilling programmes for
accredited project management and technical learners and host employers, which are offered
skills training, for a period of three months. The aim separately. The objective being to uncover the gaps
of this training is to build relevant digital acumen that exist in these relationships and seek to mitigate
and confidence in youth and cement programme any hindrances to progress and future employment.
Esinam Global Business Services Team 65