Page 89 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
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to providing you with the right solution and dedicated development programmes offer integrated solutions
resources to match your exact business needs. that encompasses all facets of people management.
We are also able to position your training expenditure
Litigation with individuals who implement best practice
LabourNet assists clients to face the ever-increasing into your organisation and manage your training
risk of litigation within their business by analysing holistically. This service not only streamlines your entire
disputes and identifying strategies that prevent training development but benefits your Enterprise
them from escalating or resulting in unnecessary Development (ED) and Socio-Economic Development
settlements which create a negative precedent. (SED) credit ratings.
Our expert consultants provide professional legal
advice, training and preparation for conciliations and Information Compliance - POPI, PAIA and CPA
arbitration, as well as access to a preferred panel of Our comprehensive service offering will ensure we
qualified attorneys. develop and implement all the relevant policies and
procedures to ensure that you are POPI, PAIA and CPA
Payroll & Human Resources Information System compliant.
LabourNet can assist any business in running their
payroll, whether fully outsourced to LabourNet or LABOURNET SUCCESS FACTORS
supported by skilled payroll consultants. Powered by Functional Knowledge
our own PSIberWORKS software, a truly unique online Our people are highly trained, qualified and
payroll and human resource management innovation. passionate about promoting meaningful change in
B-BBEE, Employment Equity and Skills Development companies through people by delivering the best
compliance solutions.
Transformation is achieved through effective skills
development processes, Employment Equity and Relationships
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Allocated consultants becomes an extension of your
initiatives and is a critical tool for driving meaningful HR department, thus allowing them to provide the
and sustainable growth in your organisation. best compliance solution according to your unique
business goals.
Health & Safety
LabourNet facilitates the management of health Problem Solving
and safety in the workplace for both employers and Our competency to deliver compliance solutions to all
employees alike. Our range of professional and quality your complex HR problems provides you with a cost-
services include implementing a comprehensive effective and consistent service over time, ensuring
Occupational Health and Safety Management System your HR needs are met and exceeded.
(OHSMS), identifying hazards, risk assessment, Client Knowledge
accident/incident investigation and compliance with
regulations. We believe in forming strong relationships with our
clients in order to better understand their business
Training goals, thus effectively providing the best compliance
As your training manager, Labour Net’s HR training and solutions.
www.labournet.comwww 87