Page 91 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 91

A FUTURE-FACING GLOBAL PLAYER       applying a 4-Pillar platform entailing financial resources,
                                             industry knowledge, customer trust and agility, to
         LHL Engineering’s vision is to be ‘the-go-to engineering   successfully drive product sales internationally.
         team’ known for outstanding quality, safety, customer   Target markets include sugar, chemical, pharmaceutical,
         service and value. LHL has its roots dating back to 1969   petro-chemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, water and
         when the company was started to support the German-  sanitation, transport, and food and beverage industries
         imported LHL axel. LHL was taken over by CEO Nelson   in both the public and private sector.  Past projects have
         Govender in 2015, who made a significant investment   been completed at SAPREF, ASTRON,  Illovo Sugar, SI
         ensuring that the company was well capitalised and   Group,  Buckman Laboratory, Sappi Saiccor, Tongaat
         resourced. LHL has a strong track record in the metals   Hulett, Mondi, Engen and YARA Animal Foods.
         and engineering industry with the past 50 years seeing
         the company grow to become a future-facing global   LHL  Engineering  has  successfully  exported  pressure
         player, adding strategic value to local and international   vessels and other equipment including complete
         brands, across South African and global markets.   plants to Australia, the Far East, Zambia, Angola,
                                             Tanzania, Mauritius, Seychelles, the Comores
         LHL is a specialist fabricator and installer of tanks;   Islands,  Hong  Kong,  United  Arab  Emirates,  Zambia,
         pressure vessels; heat exchangers (manufacture   Mozambique and Botswana, amongst others.
         and refurbish); reactors; piping; structural steel and
         general steel component manufacture. Project based   LHL Engineering was selected to be part of the KZN
         teams are available on call for site-based maintenance   Localization,  Import  Replacement  and  Enterprise
         and installation work.              Development  programme  which  commenced  in
                                             November 2021. Through the programme, initiatives
         As a 100% black-owned enterprise with a Level 1   such as improved factory layout, production efficiencies,
         BBBEE status with a 40% black female and 30% youth   workflow methodologies, quality control measures,
         ownership the business is growing from strength   staff training have been implemented. In addition, new
         to strength. The recently acquired >5 000m² under   products  have been  launched to  a competitive  and
         cover facility in Glen Anil, Durban (with 6 bays, 13 Over   demanding market.
         head cranes, 6 of which have a 10t capacity and 11m
         under hook height), is well positioned to deliver on   In  order  to  satisfy  the  market  demand,  LHL,  with  a
         all your fabrication requirements.  The 1500m² facility   group of companies, have adopted a co-operative
                                             cluster approach to provide a one-stop facility that
         in Atlantis, Cape Town is adequately equipped for
         current needs. Both workshops are being fitted with   boosts their overall competitive advantages, which is
         new  equipment to  facilitate LHL’s growth plans with   progressing well. The cluster creates an interdependent
                                             and mutually beneficial relationship with shared
         finalisation expected next year.
                                             services, including state of the art equipment supplied
         Technology will play a critical role in positioning the   and maintained by strategic partners.
         company as relevant and ensuring it is able to compete   The increased workload consistency has led to
         with established larger players well into the future.
         Consequently, all new machinery and equipment,   increased employment opportunities. As such LHL’s
                                             permanent workforce has increased by 40% with
         comprising robotics, 4IR, CNC and green technology,   contracted project workers increasing substantially.
         will have the aim of differentiating LHL’s offerings
         as unique.                          In addition, a new PR Engineer has been employed to
                                             improve design capabilities and client confidence.
         Based on the changes made in the past year, LHL has   LHL is looking to partner with a small number of key
         been able to acquire new clients, treble its turnover   clients as their manufacturing expert. This strategy
         and improve on workload consistency.
                                             will reduce the effect of project reliance, which is very
         This workload includes long term contracts, with   erratic, with major impact on planning and cashflows.
         one client who owns specialist intellectual property   Together with an impressive array of machinery
         closing his facility and contracting LHL to be the   and production facilities at its disposal and through
         fabrication facility. This client has enjoyed increased   its cluster partners, LHL has become a market
         volumes, lower costs, improved lead times, improved   leader  with the flexibility, industry  accreditation
         quality and various other benefits that were not   (ISO9001/2015, ISO45001, ISO3834, ASME  V111
         envisaged at the beginning.
                                             APP10), skills and knowledge to supply a wide range
         Future growth plans for LHL include becoming a leading   of products and services to satisfy market demand
         player in the metals  and  engineering  industry  by   for different sectors.

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