Page 94 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 94

                                                   COMPANY (MSC)

                                          Turnover: In excess of R850-million per annum
                                          Financial Year-End: 31st December
                                          Use of South African Ports: 38%
                                          No. of Employees: 1 400 nationally; 100 000 internationally
                                          Bank: Nedbank, Durban
                                          Accountants: Ernest & Young
                                          KEY PERSONNEL
                                          Chief Executive Officer: Captain Salvatore Sarno
                       CEO:               Managing Director: Rosario Sarno
                  Captain Salvatore Sarno  Financial Director: Alan Mileham
       Full Name of Company: Mediterranean Shipping Company   CONTACT DETAILS
       (Pty) Ltd (MSC)                    HEAD OFFICE
       Nature of Business: Ships’ agents, logistics, full carrier   Physical Address: MSC House, 54 Dr Langalibalele Dube
       haulage service and depots         Street, Durban, 4001
       Subsidiaries: MSC Logistics, MSC Depots, Medtravel, MSC   Tel: +27 (0)31 360 7911
       Printing, Potlako Global Logistics  E-mail:
       Holding Company: MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company   Website:
       SA (a company registered in Switzerland)  BRANCH OFFICES:
       Current Customer Base: 12 000 clients (South Africa)  Johannesburg: Tel: +27 (0)11 263 400
       Date Established: 1978             Cape Town: Tel: +27 (0)21 405 2000
       Vessels: In excess of 600 worldwide International Presence:   Port Elizabeth: Tel: +27 (0)41 505 4800
       524 offices in 155 countries Industrial Standards: ISO   East London: Tel: +27 (0)43 702 8293
                                          Pretoria: Tel: +27 (0)12 335 6980
       INNOVATIVE, FLEXIBLE AND UNIQUE    improving upon service levels within the shipping
                                          community and MSC’s willingness to initiate change to
       The  Mediterranean  Shipping  Company (MSC)  has  an  meet the requirements of clients and principals.
       innovative, flexible and unique approach to shipping   South African Investments
       that has allowed the company to grow significantly
       over the last fifty years. Founded in 1970, MSC is now   MSC has significant investments in the South African
       the biggest user of the South African ports and by 2003   property market, with instantly recognisable office
       was the second biggest container carrier in the world.  buildings in Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth,
                                          Johannesburg and Pretoria.
       MSC has 524 offices in 155 countries with a team of
       100 000, and a dedicated fleet of 600 container vessels   In addition, MSC has invested in multiple depot and
       with an intake capacity of circa 23 million TEU. The   logistics sites throughout South Africa and has made
       global sailing schedule covers 230 trade routes and   significant leasehold improvements to operational
       calls at more than 500 ports.      depot and logistics sites located in the Transnet port
                                          precincts of Durban, Coega and Cape Town.
       MSC provides global coverage, linking South Africa
       directly with Europe, UK, USA, Asia, Middle East, India,   Technical Expertise
       Pakistan,  Far East,  Australia,  New  Zealand as  well  as  MSC’s  hugely successful technical  division, which
       the key ports of Africa’s West Coast, East Coast and  was expanded in 1998, operates a world-class, full-
       the Indian Ocean Islands, South America, Madagascar  scale engine repair and maintenance facility. This
       and  Mozambique.  MSC’s  dramatic  growth  over  the  is headed up by a team of highly trained Italian and
       past decade can be attributed to two things: the  South African technicians and MSC is also involved in
       quality management system that aims at consistently  providing training and upskilling in this field.

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