Page 148 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 148


                                            In contrast to existing isiZulu titles, Isolezwe is indeed
                                            the ‘eye of the nation’, sharing new as well as familiar
       INDEPENDENT Media is KZN’s most influential   experiences with readers. Hard news and issues of
       publishing group. From its Greyville premises in Durban,   interest to the modern Zulu market are covered −
       the company publishes and prints nine of its own titles   everything from personal finance, health, motoring,
       reaching approximately 3,1 million readers in the region.     entertainment, sport, politics, opinion, a topical cartoon,
       In addition, regional copies of national publications and   book reviews and people profiles can be found in
       other  commercial printing  contracts  are undertaken,   Isolezwe.
       keeping the company’s presses rolling virtually 24/7.  In 2008, Isolezwe launched a sister title, Isolezwe
       An extensive, time-pressured operation distributes   ngeSonto, which appears on a Sunday and is
       newspapers all over the province − from Durban’s   very popular. This was soon followed by Isolezwe
       suburbs to rural northern KZN, into the Midlands   Ngomgqibelo which appears on Saturdays, and the
       down the South Coast and into the Eastern Cape. Over    weekly Isolezwe lesiXhosa, for Xhosa-speaking readers
       300 000 newspapers are delivered to subscribers’   in the Eastern Cape.  The stable of Isolezwe publications
       doorsteps every week, while thousands of outlets,   reach in excess of three million readers every week.
       ranging from large supermarkets to small tuckshops,   POST is a unique weekly publication. In the market
       are stocked at least once a day. Street sellers in   since 1945, POST is the ‘voice and heart’ of the Indian
       commuter areas make it easy for readers to buy copies   community, keeping readers in touch with religious
       of their favourite newspaper ‘on the go’.
                                            and cultural happenings but also including content for
       Different Titles for Different Reader Needs  young readers. Most loved content includes recipes,
       Independent Media reflects and  provides a  platform   humorous  columns,  sports  updates  and  profiles,
       for its diverse readership communities – ranging from   business news as well as hard news and issues of
       the readers of English daily titles, the morning Mercury   interest to the Indian community.
       and afternoon, Daily News, to the country’s leading   The Sunday Tribune is Independent Media’s KZN’s
       vernacular publication, Isolezwe and the niche Indian   ‘flagship’ print title. A regional newspaper with national
       community newspaper, POST.           stature, the Sunday Tribune is the preferred Sunday
       KZN’s stalwart publication, The Mercury, last year   read for Durbanites, and many in KZN. Breaking news
       celebrated its 165th anniversary. Today this household   and tackling topical issues, the Sunday Tribune carries a
       publication is a mix of breaking news and features,   bundle of special interest sections including, careers and
       delivered crisply for the morning reader. A substantial   business in Business Report; SM − the local authority on
       business supplement, Business Report, keeps readers   entertainment and lifestyle trends; SMTravel; a Property
       abreast  of  national  and  international  market  news    Guide, HOME; and Tribune Herald.
       and trends.                          The Independent on Saturday is a punchy, up-market
       The Daily News first began publishing in 1878, as the   weekend read with interesting features, a focus on sport
       Natal Mercantile Advertiser, based in West Street. With   and great ideas on how to best spend weekend leisure
       a more people-oriented approach than The Mercury,   time. The title’s Personal Finance section keeps readers
       the title engages readers on a wide range of issues   in the know about wise − and not so wise – investments
       and  includes  numerous  special  interest  supplements   and financial options.
       covering entertainment, motoring,  Bollywood, racing,   Independent on Line (IOL) is South Africa’s premier
       and employment opportunities.  This year Daily News   digital content publisher. Boasting an unprecedented
       celebrates its 140th anniversary.    stable of more than 15 quality newspapers – including
       The isiZulu daily, Isolezwe, is a publishing success story.   the  KwaZulu-Natal  titles,  the  IOL  portal  provides
       Launched in April 2002, the title quickly built up a daily   breaking news from South Africa and the rest of Africa,
       loyal  readership  of  over  one  million  Zulu-speakers.   news features and specialised digital content using a
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