Page 143 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 143
For our Private Sector Clientele, we use any Service Offering
one of the up to date models which could include Our Service offering includes the following:
Scenario Planning, Six Hats, Blue Ocean
Strategy, Balance Score Card, and other Outside Head Hunting and Recruitment Agency Services
- In Strategy Planning approaches; in each case Background verifications: Qualifications, ID
we would agree the precise framework with and driver license, credit and criminal checks
clients prior to facilitated processes. conducted on or off site
Facilitation: Strategy development and
Facilitated Processes implementation, team effectiveness and
HR Matters also facilitates team cohesion and cohesion, change management and workplace
effectiveness interventions to build individual, team diversity management
and organization alignment. In facilitating this,
we take an inclusive and participative approach Manufacturing Productivity Improvement
in diagnosing issues, working through and in Initiatives - How does your shop floor and
determining solutions. leadership respond to productivity losses?
Training: Accredited by Services SETA
Manufacturing productivity improvement facili- (accreditation no. 3685) and offer a wide range
tation is also another of our facilitated processes of management and leadership skills training,
where in we work with teams to identify losses either on site or at HR Matters training Centre
experienced through downtime and coming up with in uMhlanga.
ways of effecting improved productivity.
Team Building Activities to compliment work-
Depending on the matter at hand, our facilitation shops, strategy planning sessions or pure out
would take different forms, sometimes we would and out adult play sessions.
use the less known “Dynamic Facilitation” approach Payroll Solution: Best of breed web based
which thrives on a somewhat chaotic, less structured manager / self service functionality which is
and free flow blue skying effort, often times with competitively priced
amazing ‘out of the box thinking” results of a truly
transformational nature. A strategic HR leadership Filing Administration - we assist our clients in
approach empowers the organization to leverage registering for UIF with the Department of
processes and people critical to achieving strategic Labour and related employment registrations
goals and daily tasks. with the South African Revenue Service (SARS).
Full Name of Company: HR Matters (Pty) Ltd CONTACT DETAILS
Nature of Business: Personal Services - Consulting Physical Address: 2nd Floor, 34 Crystal Rock,
Services, Executive Search & Recruitment, Training & 16 Solstice Road, Umhlanga Ridge, 4319
Development, Facilitation, HR Advisory Services Postal Address: P.O. Box 1711, Westville, 3630
Tel: +27 (0)31 566 2847
Customer Base: Corporates (Private & Public), SMEs
Fax: +27 (0)31 566 3785
Industry Quality Standards: ISO 9001, SETA
Accreditation, APSO Cape Town
Physical Address: Ground Floor, Liesbeek House,
VISION River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, Cape Town, 7700
HR Matters is optimistic by nature, therefore our Tel: +27 (0)21 680 5311
vision “to create problem free workplace experiences Fax: +27 (0)86 632 1426
for clients resulting in satisfied staff, customers and Johannesburg
shareholders”. This we achieve by defining, identifying
problems and co-determining solutions thereto with Physical Address: Palazzo Towers West Montecasino,
our clients. William Nicol Drive, Fourways, 2086
Tel: +27 (0)11 510 0188
KEY PERSONNEL Fax: +27 (0)86 632 1426
Managing Director: Musa Makhunga
Executive Director: Nozipho Makhunga Website: