Page 141 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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and industrial premises. Futurelink’s professional, well-    ƒ Representation of clients at Bargaining Councils,
       trained and supervised staff work hard to provide a      and Department of Labour
       spotless and immaculate working environment for your     ƒ Wage, trade union or employee negotiations
       employees and customers.                ƒ Strike, and lockout handling negotiations
                                               ƒ Advising, assisting and management of
       World-class cleaning equipment, sanitation chemicals      retrenchments or redundancies
       and hygiene products allow Futurelink to service both
       the commercial and industrial industries at a service   Outsourced Payroll Solutions
       level tailored to the client’s requirements.  The Outsourced Payroll Solution removes the admin-
                                            istrative pressure as well as the financial and legal
       Industrial Relations                 risk of payroll through a cost-effective, customised
       A relational breakdown in the workplace can lead to   service. Futurelink manages the full payroll process for
       financial loss, disputes with trade unions and bargaining   both small and large businesses, with temporary and
       councils,  as  well  as  legal  action.  This  is  because  the
       legislative requirements between employer and   permanent staff, tailored to each organisation’s needs.
       employee are taken seriously in South Africa.  Community
       Futurelink provides cost-effective industrial relations   Melinda believes that it is essential for businesses to
       management to help avoid the risks and administrative   get involved and give back to communities. She is
       burden that comes with a workplace dispute or change,   an active member of the Ukuthula Trust committee,
       and facilitates a harmonious working environment.  which is an NPO based in Chesterville near Durban.
       The Industrial Relations offering covers the following:  The Trust’s vision is to offer a broad spectrum of
         ƒ Labour audit of existing policies and contracts  employment and empowerment skills, counselling to
         ƒ Drafting of policies and procedures and updating    victims of child abuse, rape and domestic violence, and
          contracts of employment           offers a restorative justice programme. Combined with
         ƒ Disciplinary, grievance, CCMA, and Labour Court    exceptional  service,  Futurelink  will  partner with you
          dispute handling                  and your staff to reach new heights.

       Full Name of Company: Futurelink Flexible Staffing   KEY PERSONNEL
       Nature of Business: Staffing Industry  CEO: Melinda Cookson
       Services: Permanent Recruitment, Flexible Staffing,   Financial Manager: Anette Clement
       Outsourced Projects. Cleaning & Hygiene, Payroll    Operations Manager: Owen Masinga
       and IR                               CONTACT DETAILS
       Date Established: 1997               Head Office
       No. of Employees: 300                Physical Address: 2 Brendon Lane, Westville, 3630
       Auditors / Accountants: NBD Accountants & Auditors  Postal Address: P.O. Box 1548, Westville, 3600
       Bankers:  FNB                        Tel: +27 (0)31 266 3290
                                            Fax: +27 (0)86 639 3485
       Advertising Agency: Lifetime Media   E-mail:
       B-BBEE Status: Level 2               Website:
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