Page 145 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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facilities and equipment. The ambitious expansion economic empowered consortium. Bingelela Capital
unleashed enormous potential at the company and which is Zululand based comprises four different
by the year 2000, turnover had doubled. groups, and is 100% African owned with a 52% female
shareholding. The transaction culminated from several
In 2006, Hulamin expanded its rolled products years of positive engagement between Hulamin and
capacity with a R940 million investment. The BHP Billiton to ensure the sustainability of the Bayside
expansion addressed two requirements: A need to casthouse. The transaction includes a liquid metal
increase production capacity, and improving the supply agreement, whereby liquid metal from the
company’s ability to deliver higher value products. nearby Hillside smelter is transported to Bayside.
This expansion increased Hulamin’s rolled products
capacity by 25%, increasing its competitiveness, Hulamin Businesses
especially in the foil and plate product markets. Hulamin operates three businesses: Hulamin Rolled
The more recent upgrade of the recycling plant followed Products, Hulamin Extrusions and Hulamin Containers.
a game changing agreement between Hulamin and The processes and manufacturing operations critical for
Nampak Bevcan in 2013. The R300 million state-of- Hulamin’s businesses are located in Pietermaritzburg,
the-art facility was built specifically to recycle used KwaZulu-Natal and Midrand Gauteng.
aluminium beverage cans. The expansion sees Hulamin Hulamin Rolled Products
providing aluminium to Bevcan for the manufacture of Hulamin Rolled Products business is the largest
all-aluminium beverage cans to the local market. Many operation in the Hulamin group contributing the
kinds of beverage cans, including well-known brands bulk of the company’s turnover. Hulamin is a modern,
like Coke, Fanta, Castle and Hansa are converting from globally competitive producer of a range of aluminium
tin-plated steel to aluminium. flat rolled products for a wide range of increasingly
The furnace installed is touted as the world’s most sophisticated end uses. The high-specification, tight-
energy efficient and environmentally friendly way tolerance, complex nature of rolled products makes
to melt contaminated aluminium scrap. While most it a popular choice in South Africa, regional African
other furnaces incinerate reclaimed cans, the new markets and across all continents.
Hulamin furnace remelts the thin aluminium of used Hulamin Extrusions
beverage cans while conserving the maximum amount
of aluminium from the scrap. The volatile organic Hulamin Extrusions has the widest range of extrusion
compounds present in coated beverage cans is capabilities in sub-Saharan Africa. It has a leading
consumed as fuel to power the furnace, resulting in less position in the demanding engineering markets, in
landfill and fewer emissions into the atmosphere. transportation, renewable energy, automotive and
general engineering applications and is also a supplier
In 2015 Hulamin ensured its future as a leading player of architectural extrusions.
in the aluminium industry when it became a strategic
partner with a BEE entity, Isizinda Aluminium. Together Hulamin Containers
a transaction to acquire the Bayside casthouse in Hulamin Containers is South Africa’s leading producer
Richards Bay was completed. The shareholders of of rigid aluminium foil containers and related branded
Isizinda Aluminium include Bingelela Capital and culinary items, such as foil and confectionery dishes, for
Hulamin with 60% and 40% ownership respectively. the catering and food industry. Hulamin is committed
Isizinda Aluminium is a KZN broad based black to a future with aluminium.
Full Name of Company: Hulamin Limited KEY PERSONNEL
Nature of Business: Manufacture and marketing of Chief Executive Officer: Richard Jacob
semifabricated aluminium products Independent Non-Executive Chairman:
Date Established: 27 May 1940 Thabo Patrick Leeuw
We continually seek to increase the value of our CONTACT DETAILS
business by satisfying the demands of our customers Head Office
and supporting the growth of aluminium usage in our Physical Address: Moses Mabhida Road,
chosen market sectors, with an emphasis on our local Pietermaritzburg, 3201
and regional customers. Postal Address: P.O. Box 74, Pietermaritzburg, 3200
Our corporate symbol, Hulamin’s “Circle of Synergy”, Contact Person: Nomaswazi Kanyile
illustrates our commitment to partnerships with our Tel: +27 (0)33 395 6911
suppliers, customers and the communities in which Fax: +27 (0)33 394 6335
we operate. E-mail:
At Hulamin each and every day we “think future, think Website:
aluminium, think Hulamin”