Page 139 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 139
utilised in the production plant to fire up the fryers, businesses have been the recipients of enterprise
ovens and burners, as opposed to the use of electricity development programmes, through various mech-
or diesel. A state of the art effluent plant has been anisms, including discounted pricing to boost sales,
commissioned and installed at the plant to ensure and extended payment terms.
environmental sustainability.
Frimax Foods has always embraced a culture of charity,
The fleet of 90 commercial vehicles and trucks are community development and poverty alleviation
always well maintained and renewed on a regular basis throughout its existence. In 2017 and again in 2018
to ensure that carbon emissions are kept to a minimum Frimax Foods partnered with Salaamedia and Salaam
at all times. Foundation to sponsor the #Riding4SAeducation 2018
An objective of the board of directors is to assist campaign in a country wide drive to promote youth
with growing the KwaZulu-Natal economy. All staff development in all schools.
employed at the head office in Verulam, from senior Frimax has won the Shoprite Checkers Best National
management to the factory staff, hail from the local Supplier Award repeatedly, and an Institute for Quality
Verulam and surrounding areas, thereby contributing award recognising its contribution to skills deve-
to reducing the overall unemployment rate in the area. lopment. In 2017, Frimax Foods received the trade sector
In addition, many KwaZulu-Natal retailers and small award in the Standard Bank KZN Top Business Awards.
Full Name of Company: Frimax Foods (Pty) Ltd KEY PERSONNEL
Nature of Business: Manufacturing Managing Director: Abdool Kader (Baboo) Essa
Products: Potato and corn snacks Operations Director: Shamir Essa
Director: Faizel Essa
Date Established: 1982
Customer Base: Spaza shops to retailers and CONTACT DETAILS
wholesalers as well as chain stores Physical Address: 17 Lakeview Place, Verulam, 4340,
No. of Employees: 480 Tel: +27 (0)32 533 8616
Bankers: Standard Bank E-mail:
Our Philosophy: “Quality and affordable products
made for everyone!” Website: