Page 135 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 135


       WORLD CLASS CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE      The multiphase development is an exciting combination
                                            of residential, commercial, and leisure facilities.
       Founded in 1997, the eLan Property Group is a
       Durban-based company with a regional wealth creation   The natural beauty of unspoilt golden beaches,
       vision. Headed by CEO Mark Taylor, the Group has   indigenous coastal forest and pristine river frontage is
       become a leader in turnkey real estate developments.   attracting local and international buyers.
       With experience and expertise in identifying develop-  Partnerships in Mauritius enable the group to offer
       ment opportunities, the Group has perfected a unique   turnkey investment solutions to South Africans wanting
       approach to conceptualising developments, bringing   to invest in the island.
       them to life and successfully executing the marketing
       and sales functions.                 The Group partners with those who share a passion
                                            for investing in the vast hospitality and real estate
       The Group has facilitated developments in excess   opportunities that the African continent and Indian
       of R2 billion, including the fastest selling residential   Ocean Islands have to offer.
       estate in the country, Simbithi Eco-Estate in Ballito.
                                            Operating in the private sector, the Group uses the eLan
       Current projects include:            Foundation as a vehicle to kick-start cooperation and
                                            public and private partnerships.
          ƒ Blythedale Coastal Estate, KZN North Coast
          ƒ Uniciti at Medine, Mauritius    As more companies are looking to the triple bottom
          ƒ Aquitaine at Moka, Mauritius    line (profit, environmental responsibility and social
          ƒ Turtle Bay, Bilene, Mozambique  awareness), business is now operating with a
       The Group’s flagship development at Blythedale
       Coastal Estate on KwaZulu-Natal’s North Coast   The eLan Foundation aims to boost the multiplier
       incorporates 1,000 hectares of prime North Coast   effect, minimising leakages and improve linkages for
       real estate.                         the region.

       Full Name of Company: eLan Property Group  hospitality investment opportunities that offer their
       Nature of Business: Property development, real estate   investors security, confidence and return on investment.
       sales & marketing, hospitality management, investment  KEY PERSONNEL
       Date Established: 1997
       Customer Base: Commercial & private buyers  CEO: Mark Taylor
       No. of Employees: 40                 Financial Director: Cobus Naude
       Bankers: First National Bank         Development Director: Andrew Thompson
       Advertising Agency: In-house agency  Sales & Marketing Director: Kurt Darren
       B-BBEE Status: Level 4               CONTACT DETAILS
       VISION                               Head Office
       To become Africa’s leading developer of lifestyle and   Physical Address: Simbithi Country Club, Sagila Lane,
       tourism investment opportunities.    Simbithi Eco-Estate, Dolphin Coast, 4399
                                            Tel: +27 (0)32 946 3244
       MISSION                              E-mail:
       To deliver world-class property development and   Website:

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