Page 130 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 130
Vivian Reddy
Driven by a mantra of uncompromising quality and
quintessential services, Edison Power Group enjoys
pride of place among the most enterprising and
resourceful operations in southern Africa, driven by
the philosophy of providing optimum customer satis-
faction with commensurate leading-edge products at
very competitive prices.
Embracing the belief that the strength of a company
resides in its human resources, the Edison Corporation
executive and management team comprises highly
competent and experienced individuals who possess
diverse and efficient skills – all contributing to an
enviable and extremely competitive expertise base.
Commercial and Industrial Electrification
The Edison Power Group’s exceptional service of trust
Edison Corporation is one of the country’s leading and dependability in the industry has earned them
new generation conglomerates engaged in various numerous accolades. Some of these include being
sectors within the power, energy, casino, property voted the Best Electrical Business for ten years in
development and allied businesses. succession (2009 - 2018), an especially prestigious
award as it is one which is voted on by the peers in
Edison Power Group, the oldest electrical contracting
company in South Africa is driven by its determination the industry. Edison Power, a leader in this field, has
to be the leading company in the electrical industry successfully completed electrical installations to some
through the provision of cost effective, efficient of South Africa’s most prolific projects totalling in
services and a commitment to increasing shareholder excess of R50 billion.
value whilst improving the quality of life of all South Smart Metering Solutions
Africans. The Edison Power Group is currently the leader on
Spearheaded by internationally celebrated entre- the Africa continent regarding supply, deployment
preneur Vivian Reddy, the Power Group rose from a and support of complex end-to-end smart metering
modest Plugs and Wires business to a multi-billion- solutions.
rand enterprise that leads the fields in: Transmission and Distribution
Electricity and power reticulation The Edison Power Group, with it exceptional overhead
Power station and sub-stations and underground transmission capabilities run full
Transmission infrastructure development and range from 69Kv to 500Kv. The company has built
maintenance hundreds of kilometres of new wood pole and steel
State-of-the-art smart metering systems structure transmission lines, reconductored and
Wind and solar energy systems upgraded existing transmission lines and performed
Fibre optic installations live - line maintenance in conjunction with its
The Edison Power Group boasts an excellent track international partner, Quanta Services.
record for supreme innovation, execution and total Their state of the art technology isolates energised line
customer satisfaction. from the structure to create a safe work environment.