Page 129 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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outsider with their “gold” (data), this is an achievement naturally appearing should the business wish to keep
in itself. Data protection mechanisms ensure that its particular uniqueness:
the chances of theft or leaks are minimised, with a 1. A student mentality (be open to learning)
paperless environment being the norm. 2. Attendance (no snooze buttons!)
The sectors which are serviced include telecommuni- 3. Time-keeping (lateness shows a lack of respect)
cations, financial services, online gaming and vehicle 4. Right attitude (positive and happy)
tracking. Not only are lapsed customers reactivated, 5. The recipe (will stick to our scripts and training)
new value added services are upsold into the client 6. Don’t quit (looking for people with grit)
bases on a revenue share basis. This natural upswing 7. A reason (to want to achieve beyond self)
in ARPU (average revenue per user) with differentiated MD Juan Volschenk sums this up beautifully:
value ensures greater loyalty and a competitive
advantage to Ec3’s partners. “Not everybody is built for this type of business. Sales,
and being on the phones all day is a tough game. Ec3
Quality is the cornerstone of the business, with 100% of is maverick and determined with the highest standards
calls being audited before being loaded or submitted. which not everyone will buy in to. And that’s okay – we
This naturally has a greater input cost, where BPO want the hungriest, most ambitious people with that
competitors typically get away with sampling at extra special sherbet within them that will help shift the
around 30%. The returns for partners have been worth lives of the Durban community. If they are prepared to
the investment, however, with fewer complaints, roll up their sleeves, listen, learn and apply our teachings,
cancellations and greater net sales conversion rates. they can earn money beyond their wildest dreams!”
In 2018, Ec3 employs over 130 staff in their 1200sqm
premises, with aggressive plans to expand to over
200 souls in the financial year. Consistent re-training
of staff has afforded many to expand into different
departments like IT, recruitment and training. With a
policy of promoting from within, this has led to lower
staff turnover and leaders being developed to head
new campaigns as they come on board.
Apart from the best basic salaries in Durban as well as
uncapped commissions, staff enjoy many other benefits.
These include a Group Life Scheme, free emergency
benefits and even the day off on their birthday. As
many staff are parents, they understand that work/life
balance is critical. As such, they are one of only a handful
of contact centres that don’t work on weekends.
Although now five years in existence, the mind-set of
a flexible start-up endures. With this maverick, can-do
mind set a certain culture is required to flourish. The
shareholders are arms-deep into the daily business,
ensuring the right type of people are attracted and
nurtured. As a non-negotiable, all candidates are
observed to ensure they fit what is known as the
Magical 7. It is these attributes which need to be
Full Name of Company: EC Three Pty Ltd KEY PERSONNEL
Nature of Business: Business process CEO: Juan Volschenk
outsourcing (BPO) Digital Director: Clint Waltman
Services / Products: Inbound, outbound, webchat, Financial Director: Jeanette Niemandt
customer services CONTACT DETAILS
Date Established: 2013 Head Office
No. of Employees: 120 Physical Address: 1356 Old North Coast Road, Avoca
Auditors / Accountants: Biz Accountants Postal Address: 1356 Old North Coast Road, Avoca
Tel: +27 (0)31 941 8000
Bankers: Standard Bank E-mail:
B-BBEE Status: Level 4 Website: