Page 132 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 132


                                                           Rajan Naidoo

       B-BBEE FUNDED LEARNERSHIPS           half of the learners that are enrolled for 2018 are
                                            mobility challenged.
       EduPower is a Durban based skills academy that
       changes the lives of unemployed South African youth   Companies that invest their skills development money
       through B-BBEE sponsored learnership programmes.   with EduPower are assured that their learners receive
                                            quality training and real skills they can use. The
       EduPower programmes give funded learners real skills   Academy’s learners have the opportunity to earn while
       to build their careers, and provide win-win solutions for   they learn, and through the programmes, they gain the
       social transformation – truly delivering the intended   confidence and skills they need to start their careers
       outcome of B-BBEE investment.        in the contact centre industry.  Most learners who
       B-BBEE’s objective is to broaden the country’s   complete the learnership are offered an opportunity
       economic growth, eradicate poverty and accelerate   for longer term employment.
       job creation to build a stronger economy. A company’s   EduPower’s learners spend approximately 30% of
       BEE Rating and the B-BBEE scorecard measure how   their time in the Academy’s custom fitted classrooms,
       far along a company is in achieving this.
                                            learning a range of skills including basic computer
       A company can score additional BEE points by   and life skills. The remaining 70% of their training
       contributing 6% of payroll costs to skills development,   takes place in EduPower’s specially outfitted learning
       predominantly on accredited programmes and with   contact centre that accommodates up to 160 learners.
       at least 0.3% of the spend allocated to learners with   In this nurturing and supportive environment, learners
       disabilities. Companies that achieve this and other   get real work experience across each of the diverse
       skills development priorities can earn 25 valuable   fields offered by the contact centre industry including:
       points towards their B-BBEE rating.
                                               ƒ Quality Assurance (QA)
       Tax incentives for businesses to support learnerships     ƒ Customer Care
       allow companies to claim a maximum tax deductible     ƒ Lead Generation and Surveys
       rebate of R60  000 per learner in a learnership, or     ƒ Data Capture
       R100 000 for people with disabilities.
                                               ƒ Retentions and
       EduPower facilitates B-BBEE points and tax incentives     ƒ Sales
       through learnership training and workplace experience
       and learners are hosted for 12 months at the company’s   At the end of the 12 month programme, EduPower’s
       state-of-the art skills academy in Mount Edgecombe,   learners are eligible to receive a nationally
       so disruption to businesses funding the learnerships is   recognised NQF 3 qualification. Their employability
       absolutely minimal.                  is significantly increased, with research showing
       The EduPower team offers an end-to-end service. They   that  candidates  who  complete  a  learnership  are
       recruit, train and host learners and complete all the   three times more likely to be employed, and it is the
       required paperwork with the different SETAs including   Academy’s goal to place every learner into full time
       the reporting required for the SARS tax rebate, and   employment.
       documentary evidence for the B-BBEE audit.  In   For funding partners, this translates into an additional
       addition, they facilitate the correct demographics to   five points on their B-BBEE rating for absorption – but
       maximise your B-BBEE splits as EduPower’s facilities   for the EduPower team, it is about giving the learners
       cater for people with disabilities. In fact, more than   the best possible start to their working lives.

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