Page 194 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 194
CEO: Jonathan Naidoo
INCUBATING SMALL BUSINESSES Provide excellent services to incubated SMMEs.
Develop and sustain mutually beneficial
Based in the coastal city in Durban, the Durban relationships with strategic partners.
Technology Hub which trades as SmartXchange,
is an innovation node and a dynamic business SMME SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT SERVICES
incubation centre established to support and SmartXchange offers a range of support systems
promote the region’s vision to be the technology and services for skills development, which include:
hub of Africa.
Overview of the business growth cycle and
SmartXchange aims to support and promote relevant changes in structure and management
Media, Information Communication Technology and styles.
electronics (MICTe) entrepreneurs in South Africa Industry specialist mentors and coaches
through incubating small businesses.
Monthly business health checks, sustainability
With fruitful partnerships, SmartXchange has reports and personalised assistance.
continuously managed to deliver on its mandate of Training related to the specific needs of
SMME development via the vast range of support businesses.
services offered to SMMEs during the three-year An SMME forum to build relationships and
incubation period. partnerships.
Vision Resource center with sponsored internet access.
Assistance in creating structures relevant to
To be at the heart of a growing and innovative South specific stages of business growth.
African MICTe industry that has global impact.
Assistance in formulating required policies and
Mission procedures.
Sponsored marketing kit, inclusive of roll up
To develop and support MICTe SMMEs through world banner, business cards, company website and
class incubation, skills development and encourage promotional video.
innovation and collaboration in the MICTe sector.
Innovation grant funding to a maximum of
Clear Objectives R500 000.00
Develop and support quality BEE MICTe Funding
companies to create jobs and stimulate the SmartXchange is funded by committed strategic
economy. partners, who offer both financial and strategic support.
Build a pool of skilled MICTe workers through These partners include eThekwini Municipality,
the incubated SMMEs. Ray Nkonyeni Municipality, the Small Enterprise
Extend the reach of SmartXchange’s impact Development Agency, Technology Innovations Agency,
in developing the MICTe industry in South Africa. MICT Seta, KZN Film Commission as well as these
Stimulate innovation among SMMEs in key commercial partners: Vodacom, KPMG, Internet
the incubator and in the wider MICTe industry. Solutions, Liquid Telecom, ABSA.