Page 192 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 192


                                                           Group CEO:
                                                          Mthoko Mbatha
       GROWTH THROUGH INNOVATION.           parameters of gas equipment; as a result, customers
                                            have seen average boiler efficiency improvements in
       As a 100% black owned company, SLG has a stellar   the order of 8.97%.
       16- year record of supplying gas to industrial
       customers in KwaZulu-Natal since its inception in   SLG’s presence in the industrial hubs of Gauteng
       2002. The company has since expanded its market   and KwaZulu-Natal ensures that its customers
       footprint to cover the Gauteng province. In 2015 SLG   can consolidate their procurement of natural gas.
       established SLCNG, a new entity, to compress and   SLG offers piped gas, CNG and gas-to-power to its
       transport natural gas to industries situated far from   customers, as well as pre-sales energy optimisation
       the gas pipeline network. SLCNG has since become   and conversion services, competitive pricing
       the largest supplier of compressed natural gas in   compliant with NERSA regulations, after-sales safety
       South Africa.                        training, technical support and B-BBEE credentials.
       Part of the company’s success stems from its status   The  company prides  itself  on  its  customer-centric
       as a 100% B-BBEE owned and managed entity,   approach, which distinguishes it from its competitors.
       which enables its customers to earn over 80% points   Its key focus is to team with its customers to unlock
       for every Rand they procure through SLG or SLCNG.   value for their respective businesses.
       Other reasons include its technical prowess which
       enable customers to use gas safely and optimally.   Community Development
       SLG  has  assisted  many  industrial  companies  in   SLG dedicates one percent of its Net Profit After
       switching from less environmentally friendly fuel   Tax (NPAT) to Social Economic Development (SEC)
       such as Diesel, HFO, and Coal to natural gas, which is   programmes. This funding is used to supply schools
       a cleaner source of energy and aids in the reduction   with  scientific  equipment  and  early  childhood
       of greenhouse gas emissions.         developmental tools.
       Converting to natural gas is a complex process   The  company’s  commitment  to  developing  the
       involving technical feasibility studies, regulatory licence   communities in which it operates is enshrined in
       applications, pipeline construction and commissioning   its values and work ethos. SLG takes great care to
       and the installation of gas equipment. The entire process   ensure that its ‘People First” ethos is always met in
       must strictly adhere to Health, Safety, Environment and   its social investment efforts. It also strongly supports
       Quality Standards. As pioneers in the industry, SLG has   the notion that it has a responsibility to sustain
       the necessary technical and engineering expertise   social development and care for the environment.
       required to make the transition seamlessly and safely.   Its SEC programmes are a visible commitment to
       It employs South African Gas Association certified   this principle.
       installation technicians and is ISO9001:2015 certified,
       which gives it a competitive advantage.  All projects coincide with SLG’s responsible business
                                            practices and its social-economic investment policy
       By offering relevant value-added services following
       the conversion, SLG demonstrates its commitment   and strategy. These are in turn underpinned by its
       to assisting its customers to optimise their energy   ‘Standards of Corporate Conduct’ and its ‘Business
       consumption. For example, its certified technicians   Values’. These are: People First (safety, diversity,
       scientifically analyse the customer’s gas equipment to   dignity and respect for all, team focus, community
       identify inefficient use of gas and recommend changes.   and environmental partnering, and B-BBEE);
       High-tech flue gas analysers are used to accurately   Customer Championing, Integrity, Agility, Growing
       measure and record the appropriate operational   Shareholder Value and Learning.
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