Page 187 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 187
KZN Operations
Saiccor Mill produces a world-class product in a
country where sound technology and infrastructure
meet the demands of the global community. Situated
50 kms south of the port of Durban in the Province
of KwaZulu-Natal, the mill is one of the production
facilities for Sappi Specialised Cellulose.
The mill has the capacity to produce approximately
800 000 tons of elemental chlorine free (ECF)
dissolving wood pulp (DWP) per annum, mostly for the
export market. Dissolving wood pulp (DWP) is sold to
converters to manufacture a wide range of consumer
products, but in particular for viscose staple fibre
(VSF) used in clothing and textiles.
Stanger Mill is unique in South Africa in that it uses
bagasse as its basic raw material in the manufacture
of office paper and tissue wadding. Situated along the
north coast of KwaZulu-Natal, the mill is ideally situated
to take advantage of the ready supply of bagasse from
the neighbouring Gledhow Sugar Company.
The technology of pulp and paper manufacturing is
dynamic and continually advancing as there are demands
placed upon paper end-users. To satisfy the demand for
good quality paper made with care for the environment,
Sappi continually assesses its manufacturing processes Sustainability
and manages product development based on market Sappi focuses on creating value for its shareholders.
demands and industry trends. The company takes cognisance of its impact on this
The mill’s paper machine has a production capacity of planet and stakeholders to ensure that all benefit
80 000 tons, while the tissue machine produces around in the long term. Sustainability is not an add-on, but
30 000 tons per annum. It also produces 60 000 tons an entrenched part of the way Sappi manages its
of bleached bagasse pulp for its own consumption per daily business activities, mitigates risk, leverages
annum. opportunities and plans for the future.
Tugela Mill has been in operation since 1945 and is Of particular importance in South Africa, is the role
currently the oldest purpose-built mill in the Sappi that Sappi plays in community development. The
group. The mill produces pulp for its own consumption, company’s large footprint in rural areas due to the
containerboard and lignosulphonate for export. location of its forests and mills focuses its attention,
Situated in the town of Mandeni near the Tugela river as a responsible corporate citizen, on the needs of
in KwaZulu-Natal, the mill is located near the ports of these communities; resulting in actions which not
Richards Bay and Durban (South Africa), allowing for only strengthen the business but also have a positive
easy access to global markets. impact on the lives of the people in the communities.
Full Name of Company: Sappi Limited CONTACT DETAILS
Nature of Business: Manufacturing / Global producer Head Office - Sappi Limited
of pulp and paper Physical Address: 48 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001
Date Established: 1936 Postal Address: PO Box 31560, Braamfontein, 2017
Customer Base: National and international Tel: +27 (0)11 407 8111
No. of Employees: approximately 3,500 in KZN
MISSION Sappi KZN Regional Office
Through the power of One Sappi committed Postal Address: PO Box 1744, Westville, 3630
to collaborating and partnering with stakeholders Tel: +27 (0)31 279 6000
we aim to be a trusted and sustainable organisation
with an exciting future in woodfibre
CEO Sappi Limited (Head Office): Steve Binni
CEO Sappi Southern Africa (Head Office): Alex Thiel