Page 183 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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good reason to stay. We make it a priority to show our employees so that the correct procedures are
respect to our staff, offer attractive commissions and followed, and choose materials with recyclable
incentives and we focus on skills development, with or reusable packaging, and reuse containers and
ongoing training programmes and opportunities for packaging wherever possible.”
growth. This all forms part of our strong workplace The company works with raw material suppliers
culture.” to reduce waste, returning plastic bags and drums
The owners, also take pride in their communication to for reuse and reducing deliveries with managed
their staff. “We understand that internal communication procurement. They also recycle reject plastic chairs.
is a vital ingredient for successful employee participation “We believe that every bit helps,” says Zayeeda, “and if
and facilitates the development of effective work every business committed to re-using the reverse of old
commitment. We aim to always formulate and impart correspondence for notepads, reusing old envelopes
clear and consistent messages to all employees and for internal mail, and recycling computer cartridges, it
inform them of changes that impact affect us all. We would make a significant change.
have weekly meetings with our key staff and look for They also see it as their responsibility to assist the less
their input on challenges or changes.” fortunate. Over the years, charitable projects have
included supplying blankets to the poor in winter, and
Royal Tent & Tarp is an ambitious competitor in their providing essential food hampers and hygiene packs to
market, but Muktar and Zayeeda Suleman believe that the needy. Since 2016, however, their focus has been
every organization has a role to play in minimizing the on their daily feeding scheme, where they feed up to
environmental impact of their work practices to help 300 homeless people a day from their branch in Alice
protect, and follow the three R’s of greening their Street in Durban.
workplace: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
The Royal Group has plans to expand the business
“At Royal Tent & Tarp, we have adapted our processes in 2018. One of their new projects is the opening of a
to reduce the generation of waste, and ensure Platinum Drip Bar and Beauty Spa, a third La Principessa
that all waste is disposed of safely. We educate store and two additional tent stores.
Full Name of Company: Royal Plastic Chairs CC Managing Director: Muktar Mahomed Suleman
Services / Products:Manufacturers and Sale of Tents, Financial Manager: Saloshnee Girdharie
Chairs, Freezers, Chillers, VIP Toilets, Fibre-glass and Human Resources: Sagree Luckan
Chromodek flushing and non-flush toilets etc. CONTACT DETAILS
Date Established: 2007 Physical Address: 49 Westmead Road, Pinetown, 3610
No. of Employees: 170 Postal Address: P.O. Box 10384, Ashwood, 3605
B-BBEE Status: Level 1 Tel: +27 (0)31 700 1704
Fax: +27 (0)31 700 5733
Auditors / Accountants: Accounting Services E-mail:
Bankers: Standard Bank Website:
CEO: Zayeeda Suleman