Page 185 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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traditional contact centres demand, but with access to number of agents using the software each month.
a whole new set of advantages.
SafriCloud’s platforms are continuously upgraded with
“Cloud contact centre applications sit in the cloud as upgrades being instantly available to all customers.
a service which means the application is ready to go. Each time clients log onto their cloud contact centre
SafriCloud’s resources are deployed with just a few software, it is the most up-to-date version.
clicks, and deployment time for scaling up or scaling For every contact centre, data is the most precious asset,
down is reduced to hours instead of weeks.
and SafriCloud spares no expense when it comes to data
The centralised contact centre application in the cloud and physical security. Though the contact centre is in
also means that remote agents can connect to the the cloud, data remains on secure servers behind client
platform wherever they are, with a standard internet firewalls, anti-virus solutions and encryption.
connection. There is no need for a VPN or similar Winning and retaining customers in today’s highly
networking tool and remote agents can access the competitive world is all about providing exceptional
same dashboard as all your other agents.
customer experience. SafriCloud aims to enable
Instead of large, up-front capital investments, contact centres to deliver better customer experience,
SafriCloud’s solutions are sold on a monthly subscription freeing clients to focus on business processes and
model that can be scaled up or down depending on the workforce optimisation.
Full Name of Company: SafriCloud medium sized enterprises through cost effective cloud
Nature of Business: Cloud Software as a Service services and solutions.
(Saas), Telecommunications VISION
Services / Products: Cloud based call centre solutions,
End-to-end BPO Solutions – Cloud UC, Voice To be Africa’s cloud service provider of choice for
Carrier Services business enablement and customer experience.
Date established: 2016 KEY PERSONNEL
Customer Base: SA Home Loans, Sun International, CEO: Andy Hilton
Maadima, Skylakes, Icebolethu, Britam Holding PLC Head of Sales: Giovanni Venturella
(Africa), Daly Credit Corporation, EduPower Chief Technology Officer: Christo Snyman
No. of Employees: 16
Auditors / Accountants: PricewaterhouseCoopers CONTACT DETAILS:
Bankers: ABSA Physical Address: 24 Flanders Drive, Mount
Advertising Agency: Jimbu Media Edgecombe, 4300
International Partners: Genesys, Five9, ConnexOne, Postal Address: P.O. Box 2137, Mount Edgecombe
FileFlex Enterprise Country Club, 4301
B-BBEE status: Level 2 Tel: +27 (0)31 538 1999
Fax: +27 (0)87 260 0556
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