Page 179 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
P. 179

For  us safety  is  about  people.  Numbers,  policies,   species, but also for the economic value it provides
       standards, programmes and targets are all important   to society.
       and have helped to improve our performance in recent   In addition, RBM reuses waste gas (CO) from the
       years but it is only once all employees and contractors   smelter plant as an energy source in the production
       have the knowledge, competence and desire to work   process, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.
       safely that we will achieve a true zero harm culture.
       An important part of managing health is identifying   Responsible Beyond Mining
       and  managing  the  major  health  risks  with  a  view  to   Our mission, vision and leadership values, while under-
       minimising the occurrence of occupational illness and   scoring principles needed for operational sustainability,
       encouraging healthy lifestyles for our employees. We   are biased toward compassion and care for our people
       are determined to succeed in this.   and the natural environments within which we operate.
       Sound Environmental Practices        We believe in stewardship - that is leaving things better
       We  have  pioneered  best  practice  in  dune  forest   than we found them. Our goal of social and economic
                                            development aims to ensure sustainability of host
       rehabilitation; boasting an award-winning dune   communities beyond the life of mining.
       rehabilitation programme that has been running for
       more than 40 years and provides the foundation for   Communities and Local Economic Development
       leading-edge research in dune forest conservation.   RBM has invested over millions in new roads in local
       The minerals we mine are biologically inactive and   communities and has spent over several millions in a
       their  extraction  has  little  or  no  impact  on  forest   collaborative effort to improve the quality of education
       regeneration. Since RBM’s operations started,   in host communities and in the broader region.
       the mining  of sand dunes has  been followed by
       a rehabilitation programme. The dune forest at   Looking Ahead - Zulti South Project
       Richards Bay is a narrow, young forest that only   The proposed Zulti  South Project will  sustain slag
       occurs on coastal sand dunes and seldom extends   production capacity for the RBM smelter thus
       further inland than 500 metres from the coastline.   ensuring the continued delivery of RBM products for
       It is a rich and diverse melting pot of species and   the benefit of shareholders, customers, employees
       is of special value, not only for the conservation of   and local communities.

       Full Name of Company: Richards Bay Minerals  KEY PERSONNEL
       Nature of Business: Sand mining and beneficiation.  Managing Director: Billy Mawasha
       Services / Products: RBM supplies Titania slag, high   Communication Manager: Thulisile Mbuli
       purity pig iron, rutile and zircon.  CONTACT DETAILS
       Safety Standards: NOSA 5 star rating, Noscar from   Physical Address: The Admin Block, The Farm RBM,
       NOSA, ISO9001, 9002 and ISO 14001 accreditation.
                                            No. 16317, The Admin District of KwaZulu-Natal,
       VISION                               Richards Bay
       Making a difference in our world by creating a brighter  Postal Address: P.O. Box 401, Richards Bay, 3900
       future.                              Tel: +27 (0)35 901 3111
       MISSION                              Fax: +27 (0)35 901 3442
       To be the safest, most reliable and sustainable Industrial  E-mail:
       Minerals supplier to the benefit of all our stakeholders.  Website:
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