Page 75 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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lack basic services and facilities and provide limited
       opportunities for economic development.
       Forestry and agriculture  are  the  two  key  economic
       activities. The dominant farming practices are
       forestry, livestock farming and maize production.
       Many commercial and manufacturing activities have
       developed as spin-offs from them. There is a small
       manufacturing sector in Paulpietersburg / éDumbe
       (41 ha with 21 industrial sites), and an important
       informal  sector  providing  a  convenience  service  to
       the public.
       Key Tourism Attractions
       Agriculture and tourism form the basis for the
       uPhongolo Municipality’s economy. Located sub-
       stantially around Pongola and the Pongola River, the
       municipality contains significant areas of commercial
       agriculture. The activities take mostly place in areas of
       flat to reasonable topography providing opportunities
       for irrigation. While much of the agricultural activities
       consist of sugar cane farming, smaller areas are
       under citrus and crop planting. Tourism remains one
       of the key economic development sectors of the
       uPhongolo Municipality.
       The municipality will continue to establish an
       environment conducive to the development of
       the tourism industry. The uPhongolo Municipality   AbaQulusi’s main tourism potential lies in its relatively
       has within its area of jurisdiction two key tourism   well-developed infrastructure, close links with the
       attractions, viz. the Ithala Game Reserve and   Battlefields Route, its conference potential, ecotourism
       the Pongolapoort Dam. These attractions are   and outdoor adventure events.
       complemented by many private game farms and
       game reserves on which several lodges and other   Vryheid is small enough to give a taste of the country
       tourism related facilities are located.  and yet large enough to provide the infrastructure
                                            for all the essential modern conveniences. Vryheid’s
       Well-Developed Infrastructure        natural diversity is a great draw-card.
       AbaQulusi is a largely rural community with low   It is an ecotourism delight. There are numerous game
       income levels endowed with various resources, which,   farms, sites of conservational significance, heritage
       to date, have not yet been fully developed.   sites and other areas of beauty and  interest.

       Municipal Demarcation Board Code: DC26  through hard work, integrity and a common
       Location of Head Office: Ulundi is 127 km northwest of   purpose.” We stand for Excellence in Delivery to
       Richards Bay and 123 km south-east of Vryheid  remain the best DM in the Province.
       Municipal Area (km²): 14 810 km²     KEY PERSONNEL
       Population (Estimated): ± 957 701    Mayor: Cllr M E Buthelezi
       Local Municipalities:                Deputy Mayor: Cllr MM Kunene
                                            Speaker: Cllr SE Nkwanyana
         ƒ eDumbe:        Municipal Manager Mr SB Nkosi
         ƒ uPhongolo:
         ƒ AbaQulusi:  CONTACT DETAILS
         ƒ Nongoma: www.     Physical Address: B400 uGagane Street, Ulundi, 3838
         ƒ Ulundi:        Postal Address: Private Bag X76, Ulundi, 3838
       VISION                               Tel: +27 (0)35 874 5500
                                            E-mail: mmkhize
       “We, the people of Zululand are proud communities   Website:
       that are committed to the development of Zululand
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