Page 22 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 22


           n a previous issue of KZN   increase to over 100. However,   concessions, make for a hugely   displays the market in all its   North Coast property is highly
           Business Sense, the impending   the market is constantly growing   personalised, customisable   glory, highlighting activities and   sought-after, this year more than
        Ilaunch of Blythedale Coastal   and organisers are always on the   experience for consumers. People   promoting the different vendors.   ever. The market experience is a
        Adventure Market (BCAM for    lookout for new vendors. If you’re   can choose to experience the   This is recognised by the growing   fun way for prospective clients
        short) was discussed. Having had   interested in setting up a stand,   Blythedale Coastal Adventure   online community, with the   to view property, done through
        several fruitful instalments since   contact our event coordinator   Market however they like – there   “follower” count up to around   agent-driven 4X4 trips, or pilot-
        that publication, it seemed crucial   Bron on 061 820 3518 or via email   is a freedom of choice previously   450; who increase and engage on a   flown helicopter flips (both free,
        to communicate its ongoing    at           unseen in other markets in the   daily basis.              and immensely popular so far).
        success, and increasing attractions.                        KwaZulu-Natal region.  The
                                       Blythedale Coastal Adventure                                The three elements that combine   All of these attractions and
         This unique and exciting     Market aims to provide customers   degree of openness cannot be   to make BCAM so uniquely   activities help make BCAM the
                                                                    emphasised strongly enough.
        adventure market is situated at   with a consistently exciting   Marketgoers have free roam to do   exciting are the all-inclusive   most epic market on the coast.
        Blythedale Coastal Estate, 15   experience, by taking existing   what they want, whether that is   market, the adventure activities,   Different people experience the
        minutes north of Ballito. It’s open   elements and adding to them in   relaxing on the beach, browsing   and the soon-to-be-launched   same thing in different ways.
        every Sunday from 9am-4pm, and  new and interesting ways. The   the market, participating in   homemakers’ expo. The actual   What has been evidenced is the
        has a variety of attractions which   goal is to provide marketgoers   various adventure activities,   market is further broken down   way people create unique personal
        entice people from all walks of   with a unique adventure every   or having beers in a festive   into arts and crafts, farmers’ fresh   adventures, according to their
        life. Different aspects include a   single week.            environment.                  produce, and gourmet food. Food   preferences. This variety will
        craft market, a farmer’s market, an   This is highlighted by the                          ranges from bakeries and shisa   only broaden, as new stalls and
        artisanal food market, and a whole   numerous different musical acts   The increasing popularity   nyama, to burgers and ice cream,   activities are being added every
        lot of adventure. This epic market   that have already showcased their   of BCAM is epitomised by its   with various halaal options. These   week. Some notable new ones
        inspires fun for the whole family;   talents. These include Afritude,   growing presence on social media.  all combine to make this market   include beer pong, trail walks/
        as many happy marketgoers will   The Meditators, Styler, Pierre de   Blythedale Coastal Adventure   inclusive to every South African’s   runs/cycles, and Titon Arc, a
        attest.                                                     Market on Facebook now has over  palette. Paired with fine wine,
                                      Charmoy, and The Kickstands.   1600 page “likes”, after only three   good beer, and interesting blends   charity that unites the fight
         Gary called it “a ground-    Upcoming acts include the likes   events, at the time of writing. One   of spirits, a festive atmosphere is   against animal abuse. On that
        breaking innovation for local   of Qadasi and Maqhinga. Hosted   user described the experience   all but guaranteed.   note, pets are welcome to attend
        producers to showcase their   by Danny Fisher and DJ Spike,   as an “awesome market in an                              the market every Sunday. Another
        products at the best market venue   acts perform at the main stage in   amazing setting”, with another   Freedom means being able to   exciting development is the luxury
        in the world”. This marketer was   the beer tent, and under cover of   adding “So much to see and do.   make your own decisions, and   massage parlour that overlooks
        one of over 3000 who attended   the coastal forest at the Beach Bar.   A full day coastal adventure for   that is what this market offers   the pristine Indian Ocean.
        the inaugural event on the 4   Both venues are a hit, aided by   the whole family”. These positive   people. Free to enter, anyone with
        November, who were served by   the pedigree of KZN’s finest local   comments add credence to the   a slight sense of adventure can   Everyone at Blythedale hopes
        about 90 vendors.             talent.                       page’s five-star rating.      make this their regular Sunday   you join us on any given Sunday,
                                                                                                  hangout. Some even use this as an   as well as for the Christmas
          The second instalment saw    These venues, along with      The Instagram page           opportunity to view properties for  market, which is held on the 19th-
        the number of small businesses   the variety of attractions and   (blythedale_coastal_market)   sale at Blythedale Coastal Estate.   23rd of December. n

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