Page 21 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
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hen considering making Below are just a few of the ■ Consultant sources and obtains how to run a successful By the time you are ready
any significant business reasons why we believe we stand documents from facilitators/ business and make sure you are to submit your file to the
Wdecision it’s important head and shoulders above the rest: assessors/moderators who you still operating five years down SETA or QCTO you are 100%
to weigh up all the options... ■ Traditional Consultants never meet, nor work with in the line. knowledgeable on what each
And, whilst listing all the ■ Consultant wants to provide a the future. ■ We help you develop your document means and how to
pros and cons, it is equally once-off service which you pay ■ Consultant keeps the own personal dreams and implement them into your
business - as you would have
significant to ensure that you are for and never see them again. knowledge of how to run goals (vision, mission, values attended all our Capacity
comparing apples with apples... ■ Consultant or SETA asks you YOUR BUSINESS and if etc.) We show you how to
for documents and provides they disappear you lose all conduct a SWOT (strength, Building Workshops.
At JTandA, we strongly generic templates. this knowledge. weaknesses, opportunities, After you have received your
believe in our comprehensive ■ Consultant prints your file, threats) analysis on your accreditation, we hold your hand
service offering, and are obtains your training material JTandA Method business and put this all for as long as you require, by
constantly looking for ways to and you have no idea how all ■ We want you to succeed as together in a business plan means of an affordable Monthly
add value and further develop these documents are supposed a highly competent, efficient (including an easy to follow Retainer - for guidance and
our training providers. to be implemented. Training Provider who knows marketing and financial plan). support. We know it’s scary to
■ We help you, to help yourself, do anything the first time – but
by capacity building you we want to see you succeed and
to implement your Quality unleash the brilliance within.
Management System (QMS) We know business is sometimes
into your business. hard! Ask Jeanine Topping,
■ We have dedicated associates, our director – she has been an
who we work closely with, entrepreneur for over 18 years!
who will Capacity Build you If you really want to take your
with knowledge on how to be business to new heights, sign
an exceptional brilliant up for our Training Provider’s
Facilitator, Assessor and Mentoring Programme – but
Moderator yourself. you better hold onto your seat
■ We work very closely with a because she will stretch you
handful of material developers, to become a better version of
to ensure you obtain
accreditation for what you are We are standing by and eager
actually passionate about and to help you be the best training
are going to train - according provider that you can be! n
to your business plan. We teach
you what these documents are Visit our website
Back from left to right: Nonhlanhla Dlamini, Cheri Zwiegelaar, Jeanine Topping, Tyrone Wiggins, and how they relate to each or call 087 150 1554 to book a
Celiwe Malinga, Khethiwe Hlatshwayo other. consultation with one of our friendly
Front from left to right: Tayla Wolfaardt and Lindsay Armit Business Development Advisors.
YEAR 2018 sogo Sun is pleased leadership at Tsogo Sun, and this
announcement is a momentous
to announce the
Tappointment of its first achievement, for our group.
he South African enterprise development space female Director of Operations
Business Conference, in the incubation ecosystem. KwaZulu-Natal Hotels, “We are confident that this
Thosted by SEDA, SmartXchange was declared Samantha Croft. milestone, the appointment of
in partnership with the “Incubator of the Year” receiving the first, female regional Director
of Operations will inspire other
Mandated with supporting the
Department of Small Business an award that recognised its management team in driving the women across the country to
Development culminated in a commitment to innovation, pursue their career aspirations in
Gala Awards Dinner that was good business practices, hotel operations in the province, hospitality,” said von Aulock.
attended by The Honourable sustainability and sound Croft’s strong knowledge and
understanding of the hospitality
Minister of Small Business governance; notwithstanding Despite the huge demands
Development, Ms Lindiwe its efforts toward embracing and tourism sector, especially in and challenges faced as the
strategic business development
Zulu, Members of Parliament the 4th Industrial Revolution first female regional leader in
and visiting dignitaries from and encouraging new industry and in driving corporate social hospitality on the Golden Mile,
neighbouring SADC countries. trends in the age of disruption responsibility initiatives has Croft still finds a tremendous
catapulted her to the region’s
and digitisation. n amount of joy in her work. Samantha Croft
The awards evening was leading role.
aimed at acknowledging and “It is my honour to be The most important aspect With a keen eye for detail,
encouraging best practice in the appointed to this key position of the hospitality industry, she Croft is constantly keeping
says, is to have the right attitude.
in the Durban region. Tsogo “Sincerity and willingness to abreast with tourism trends and
Sun is committed to building serve, and the dedication that developments and is keen to
a talent pool of highly skilled comes with that, are vital. Of explore areas for improvement.
professionals focusing our course there are challenges, but “My mantra is ‘hire for attitude,
commitment to service they’re all part of a great job. train for skill’. In order to live
excellence. As a hotelier, I am You have to look for solutions this, it is imperative that I create
passionate about growing new and move forward as a team. an environment conducive to
talent and bringing a distinctive It’s important to solve issues growth. I believe without this,
and stronger Tsogo Sun touch to together and put policies and I would not be surrounded by a
our city,” said Croft. procedures in place so you don’t competent team of individuals.
Tsogo Sun Hotels CEO Marcel repeat the mistakes,” she says. “I firmly believe in a ‘hands –
von Aulock said: “We are very “There is an amazing on’ approach and investing time
proud to be part of this historic atmosphere down here and in individuals, by personally
appointment. We are committed it’s fascinating to watch the imparting knowledge from
to empowering our women in
Johnathan Naidoo, CEO SmartXchange changes.” personal experience.” n