Page 16 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 16
rit, defined as the individuals and South Africa will be required to contribute Grit is important to get you endorsement) applying for any
combination of passion to be hindered by financial the remaining fees (with flexible started, but grit alone can’t of our Higher Certificates have
Gand perseverance for restraints. So the team at Boston payment options).” He continues, get you over the finish line. the grit but just need some added
a singularly important goal is set about to create a solution that “I believe that in this programme At Boston, we believe that our financial assistance to reach their
the hallmark of high achievers. would assist all students. “We Boston stands out as absolutely investment in students with dreams and make an impact on
This is according to psychologist believe that gritty prospective unique amongst the Higher an NSC (Higher Certificate South Africa. n
Angela Duckworth who has done students that are committed to Education providers in
in-depth studies on what makes making a go at life, by applying South Africa.”
people successful. to Boston, deserve to be given Stegmann’s passion for ABOUT BOSTON
Dr Rob Stegmann is Senior an opportunity to succeed. We educating the youth shows.
Academic in the Department needed to find a way to make “South Africa’s future is too
of Academic Planning and that happen,” he says. important not to make this oston is a multi-award over 45 support centres in South
winning tertiary education
Development at Boston City So, in the spirit of Ubuntu—a investment. The rewards Binstitution that has been Africa or the option to study from
home or work.
Campus & Business College person is a person through other for students and society are around for over twenty-five years
situated in Stellenbosch, people—Boston has committed incalculable. Research has shown and has acquired the reputation of Boston’s holistic approach
the Academic Head Office. to partnering financially with that overcoming the obstacles not just educating students in their to education values the
According to Stegmann, “At prospective students to facilitate that lack of finances pose for chosen career paths but educating importance of “real world
Boston, we have witnessed growth and development both students pursuing higher them for life. experience,” making life great
students who have that grit and personally and for South Africa education makes a significant for Boston students by opening
overcome obstacles and push as a country. Stegmann explains impact on the psycho-social Boston offers many programmes up possibilities beyond their
through to graduate. However, how this will work practically. well-being of students and has a and qualification options, qualification, locally and abroad.
including degrees, a postgraduate
there are those students that “This investment will mean that positive effect on the successful qualification, diplomas and higher Upon completion of a Higher
have all the ingredients for prospective students enrolling completion of one’s studies. In certificates, occupational and Certificate, graduates may
success but are precluded from in one of the many Higher turn, the impact on the broader short programmes, making sure seek entry for admission to an
achieving a higher education Certificates on offer at Boston society is also noticeable; there is a career option for almost Advanced Certificate, Diploma
qualification due to lack of will get a chance to pursue their graduates who find employment every student. or Bachelor’s degree. Flexible
financial suppor.” dreams and take ownership of not only make a contribution Boston also offers personalised payment plans are available.
Textbooks are included in the
Stegmann maintains that their futures. Boston will invest to the economy, but become support to its extensive student fees, and there is no application
education is too important for up to a third of the fees for a billboards for the transformative body, through its network of fee. n
the growth and development of Higher Certificate and students power of education.”
0861 BOSTON • 011 551 2000