Page 14 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 14


              ompliance Hub           Hub is able to resolve your   aware of the SANAS rules and   moderation and certificate    We allow you to focus on your
              Consulting (Pty) Ltd    issues with tried and tested   regulations and collate your   issuing. This will not only   business while we focus on your
        Cwas founded in 2011,         solutions. With governmental   verification proof accordingly,   allow you to save both time and   compliance.
        to service the South African   penalties for non-compliance,   using our unique solutions to   money, but will also provide   Feel free to visit
        business industry as an       a serious threat to business, it   earn you the maximum points   you with the surety of your
        independent service provider   is essential that all companies   towards your certification   score, which will be calculated   for online references and a
        for Broad Based Black Economic   meet their compliance      rating.                       prior to your certification.    detailed list of our product
        Empowerment (BBBEE).          obligations or face the full   After collating your          We also assist companies     offerings or contact us on
                                      extent of the law.
          Within a seven-year period,                               verification proof, we hand   in Europe out of our United or
        the Compliance Hub has         The company’s association    your completed file over to   Kingdom based company to      alternatively  our office line:
        grown into one of the largest   with market leaders ensures   a verification agency for file   ensure local compliance.   087 073 5667. n
        consulting organisations in   that all consultants are up to
        the country. The Compliance   date within the various sectors
        Hub team now delivers cost    of expertise and legislation. As
        effective compliance solutions   businesses grow and expand,
        across all the critical business   so do their compliance needs
        compliance areas. The company   change. Compliance Hub
        prides itself on being a one-  provides full service solutions
        stop solution specialising in   to companies throughout their
        managing companies including   entire lifecycle from start-ups to
        corporate governance, skills   large corporate entities.
        development, B-BBEE advice,    The process starts with an
        B-BBEE solutions, B-BBEE file   initial meeting where the
        preparation, human resources,   consultant explains the product
        occupational health and safety,   offerings and develops an
        employment equity, ownership   understanding of your business.
        solutions and preferential    The required evidence is then
        procurement guidance.
                                      sourced by an experienced
          The company has a database   and trained Compliance Hub
        of approximately 265 000      consultant, and either a gap
        companies, has offices in     analysis or strategic plan is
        Durban, Cape Town, and        developed and monitored.
        Pretoria and has a staff
        complement of 37. Compliance   B-BBEE verification
        is a complex subject and       Our consultants all have a
        confusing to even seasoned    B-BBEE verification analyst
        operators, however, Compliance   background, so they are


             arklands College is an   Distinguished School, from 2016   changing workplace and future          Reaching Outwards,
             independent school in Cape   - 2018. Parklands College was   world. We encourage them to be
        PTown, South Africa, that     once again recognised as one of   creative and critical thinkers, to   Growing Minds, Building
        caters for children from Pre-  only 400 Apple Distinguished   communicate and collaborate
        Primary to Grade 12. Our focus   Schools in the world for continued  effectively, and to be responsible         Futures.
        is innovation in education and   Innovation, Leadership and   citizens.
        we believe that the best way to   Excellence in education from 2018                       addressing relevant and local   to design, create and
        prepare our learners for the future   - 2021.                Educators integrate the teaching   social issues where using a virtual   prototype working solutions in
        is to provide a school environment   At Parklands College we seek   of content, knowledge and 21st   reality creation tool to design   response to community problems.
                                                                    century skills within a rich
        where they can focus on their   to foster the innate potential of   technological environment. Our   and create futuristic eco-cities.   This development will house
        own needs, interests and work                                                             Learners, educators and the   an Educational Holodeck, a
        together towards solving real   our learners, allowing them to   cross-curricular Project Based   community were invited to   MakerSpace, collaborative learning
        world problems in a professional   imagine, explore and discover   Learning provides authentic   walk around these creations and   areas, breakaway boardrooms
                                                                    learning experiences where
                                      their journey through the
        environment that has an impact   Parklands Mind.  The Parklands   learners are engaged in solving   experience their thinking.  and large flexible learning spaces.
        on a larger community.                                                                                                  These spaces will also allow for
                                      Mind encompasses the five global   real world problems. Learning is   We have made time in the   differentiated learning, enhanced
          In 2016 we were proudly     competencies that are essential   now multi-sensory and creativity   school day for other passion led,   collaboration and cross-curricular
        recognised as an Apple        for young learners to adapt to the   is in the hands of our learners.   experiential learning courses
                                                                    The integration of technology   and interests e.g. film, sound   integration. Eliminating traditional
                                                                                                                                classroom orientation, learning
                                                                    allows for a multimodal       engineering, animation, robotics,   spaces are omnidirectional with
                                                                    environment that offers a unique   mobile application development   multiple display screens.
                                                                    learning experience and our   and hospitality that allow learners
                                                                    programmes are adaptable and   to explore and discover new areas   At Parklands College, this
                                                                    cater for the individual styles.    of interest. Robotics and coding   worthy education inspires
                                                                    Our approach to learning and   are a compulsory offering to our   children to lifelong learning and a
                                                                    teaching is innovative, enriched   learners from Grade R to Grade   yearning to continue to grow and
                                                                    and flexible, with an emphasis on   8 and develops skills in science,   discover. Children are challenged
                                                                    the individual needs and success   technology, engineering, art &   to acquire self-leadership, take
                                                                    of every child.               design and mathematics (STEAM).   initiative and accept their
                                                                                                                                responsibility towards creating a
                                                                     Immersive learning has changed   Our new Learning Innovation
                                                                    the way in which our learners   Centre at our secondary faculty   better tomorrow. n
                                                                    experience the classroom and   campus will open in January 2020.
                                                                    learning content, from descriptive   Further development of specialised   Tel:  0861 EDUCATE / 338228
                                                                    writing pieces detailing their   learning spaces, encompass the   International Tel: +27 (0)21 521 2700
                                                                    virtual expedition to the     College’s vision of providing   Fax: +27 (0)86 767 0397
                                                                    Great Barrier Reef, to learners   our learners with opportunities   Website:

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