Page 9 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 9
Andrew Layman, Senior Consultant, especially among those who their own enterprises, thereby even sometimes older, people This is low-cost, high return
Catalyx Consulting have not had the benefit of good creating vacancies at the bottom avoid being the ‘tall poppy’, the investment in human capital.
education. One might reflect on end. At Catalyx, this is the employer should be searching The internet abounds in free
lthough long service a situation where an employee concept of Upward Mobility. for the real person, and his or online study opportunities,
is not as common as has the soul-destroying routine her circumstances, hopes and while mentorship is done
Ait used to be, it is still of a job which lacks meaning It requires pro-active career aspirations. Here is the cleaner internally by older and more
customary for organisations and diversity. It may enable management by employees who could be a receptionist, a experienced staff. Career
who remain determined not
to reward and celebrate it. For them to pay the bills, thanks to clerk who could be a secretary, a advancement may take people
example, a person who leaves general annual increases, but to be constrained by a ‘glass PA who could be a manager. into other companies and there
ceiling’ which is of their own
UCT after 45 years’ service may does little by way of wellness for is no resentment about that, for
Catalyx has developed
take a taxable cash reward of the psyche and ego. making. They must explore a programme of career the bigger need is paramount,
opportunities, build their skills
R12 000. In this regard, there is and for as long as the concept
At the same time, and from
no distinction between a menial the employer’s point of view, base and actively climb the development, based on a belief of Upward Mobility is
that people must move up, or
ladder. They need considerable
worker and a professor. embraced, the company will
the peak of productivity will encouragement to do these move out. They may not gain a
The question is: Is this cause have been long since reached. things. And this is where the promotion immediately, but by grow in strength. n
for celebration? And, if so, A national perspective is also employer has a very important committing to the development
what exactly is being celebrated? relevant: we cannot afford to role to play. of their skills – a minimum Tel: 0861 888 985
The citation will refer to loyalty, have people stagnating in their of 24 hours of study a year is
Many companies employ
dedication, hard work, but what careers, for the number of very sophisticated talent- required – and by taking the
is the reality for the recipient? young people entering the job management programmes, value available in a mentorship
This may be a very lengthy market each year is in excess but they are often confined programme, they are making
resentment at lack of recognition of 500 000. Some of these may to executive levels to ensure progress in terms of the quality
and opportunity, or perhaps undertake self-employment adequate succession and of their work, their commitment
even a denial that uncovered and become successful leadership. Much less attention to it and in their greater ability
talents and abilities exist. It entrepreneurs, but statistics is given to the staff at lower to seek solutions beyond a rote
may also reflect a steady climb show this to be a slim chance. levels where there are people task assigned to them.
up a ladder of success, but this Thus, there is a necessity for with the potential to occupy
is less likely since long service is a pipeline of employment to more responsible positions,
more frequently associated with be established where people if only their abilities can be
stagnation. make progress through formal identified and nurtured. In a
employment - and then leave workplace, no less than a school,
Career stagnation is all-
too-common in South Africa, - to be self-employed or set up where insecure young, and