Page 11 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 11



                    Debbie Jones, Director,   Structure the conversation   21 days late
                      Three Peaks Payment   (clearly)                A client can easily ignore your       Having a challenging
                       House           Often, a client who is trying   firm’s emails, but it’s much more
                                      to delay payment will wait until   difficult to dismiss someone on   conversation with your
                            rofessional   payment is due before advising   the phone.
                            firms     you that they didn’t receive                                           client about money
                       Pmight         your invoice.                  At the 21-day stage, if your
                       spend their                                  client still isn’t playing ball and   isn’t most people’s idea
                         days advising   1-3 days late              your invoice continues to gather
                         clients       Your firm has delivered a    dust, you may want to escalate   of fun, but most small firm
                          on their    service, your client hasn’t paid   the matter by enlisting the help
                           finances,   for it and all you can hear are   of a senior staff member to chase   leaders will need to do it at
                            but even   crickets. So, it’s easy to think that   payment over the phone.
                            they are   non-payment is intentional, but                                              some point.
                            aren’t    it may not be. Genuine oversights   Before making the call,
        immune from the problem of late   happen all the time, so give your   prepare a list of potential
        payments.                     client the benefit of the doubt   excuses for non-payment and
                                                                                                                                 To ensure that your firm’s
          Having a challenging        (especially first-time offenders).  outline responses to them.   30+ days late            invoices are paid on time –
        conversation with your client about   Once the invoice payment   The caller should:        If your client hasn’t made   every time – you can also
        money isn’t most people’s idea of   deadline has passed, a junior                         payment (or meaningful contact)
        fun, but most small firm leaders   staff member from your accounts   ■   State the purpose of the call    within 30 days of the invoice   choose to automate the
        will need to do it at some point.   department should give your     clearly, directly and early on  becoming due, it may be time to   payment process by suggesting
        With that in mind, we’ve compiled   client a gentle nudge by sending a   ■   Ask your client why payment    issue a letter of demand (Section   your clients pay you by debit
        some tips to help you chase your   firm – but friendly – email with a     hasn’t been made  129 compliant), or to pass over the   order. With debit order, your
        client’s unpaid invoice (without   copy of the invoice attached. The                      matter to a debt collection agency.  firm can stop chasing unpaid
        chasing your client away).    email should say that payment   ■   Listen attentively and respond    If a letter of demand doesn’t   invoices and start chasing new
                                      is overdue, and your client must     firmly, politely and    trigger payment (typically, within   business. n
        Start the conversation (early)  arrange payment as soon as     empathetically             30 days) then legal proceedings
          When chasing an unpaid invoice,   possible or contact your firm if   When trying to preserve a   may be necessary, which is a clear   Contact Details
        it’s important to remember that   they’re in financial difficulty. More   client relationship, going to   sign that your relationship has   T:  0861 373 257
        payment is already late. So, don’t   often than not, a subtle reminder                    irretrievably broken down.    E:
        procrastinate. By making contact   is all that’s needed to spur an   court is always a matter of last                   A:  Offices in JHB, CT & DBN
        with your client as soon as the   otherwise motionless client into   resort. If your client is reliable   Suggest automating payments
        invoice becomes overdue, your   action.                     in the payment department,    (completely)
        firm may be able to close the                               exercise your discretion to    Sometimes, companies end
        payment gap by presenting more   7 days late                allow them more time to pay.   up writing off unpaid invoices
        flexible payment options, such   If payment still hasn’t been made   But if your client is a serial   (particularly those of well-
        as changing the payment date   seven days after an invoice falls   late-payer, which is costing   intentioned clients) because
        or offering instalment payments   due, it’s time to send a follow-up   you time (and money) to chase,   they weren’t effective payment-
        through debit order. Whilst   email stating that the invoice is   stress that the matter is now   chasers. But the reality is that
        alternative payment routes don’t   still outstanding, and payment is   urgent and payment is required   your firm is in the business
        guarantee payment, they do move   required within, say, 14 days to   immediately to prevent legal   of doing business, not debt
        the dial in the right direction.  avoid escalation.         action.                       collection!


                      Shantelle Booysen,   they need technical coaches,   think that my assumption was   Growing up, I had a family who   If I can leave you with three
                        CEO Elim Spa   fitness coaches, sleeping    that everyone knew I appreciated  supported me and a mother who   things today it will be the
                         Products     coaches, eating coaching,     him or her, everyone knew how   made the ultimate sacrifices.    following.
                                                                    I felt about his or her input.  He
                                                                                                  Everything she never had, she
                                      behavioral coaches and more,
                          F    or     but in business we still believe   has taught me to verbalise this.  decided her daughter would   ■   bless yourself with an
                                                                                                                                  Next year on your birthday
                                      the harder I work by myself the
                                                                                                  have.  A university education,
                                                                     For hours we sat and wrote
                                                                                                                                  enrichment course.  Attend
                          Cristiano   better I will get at this.    future descriptions of how and   attending the best schools, a     something like toastmasters or
                                                                                                  fairytale wedding and when I
                                                                                                                                  learn a new skill.  Complete the
                                                                    where I see myself, what I want
                            Renaldo    This cannot be further from   to accomplish, what I behaviours   started my business she even did     course.
                            or Serena   the truth. In my life, I have   I need to change. I remember   my bookkeeping for a few years,
                            Williams   experienced this over and over.                            keeping me on the right track   ■   Get up every morning and
                            to soar   From a young professional life,   when I told him I wanted a   and controlling my cash flow.    dress for success.  Laboutaine
                            to great   I have been blessed with people   Porche Targa he threatened to                            has become a multi millionaire
                           heights    who walked alongside me and   get the Porche dealership to call   The model of my story is that     because he understands how
        and win best player of the year   who made a great impact and   me on a monthly basis to see   there have been at least 50 people    women feel the minute they put
                                                                                                                                  on high heels.
                                                                    how far I am from purchasing
                                                                                                  that have helped shape who I am
        and 24 grand slams takes more   groomed me to excel in certain   my new vehicle.          today.  I am proud to be a result
        than just practice. I absolutely   things.  I still have them.                            of what they invested in me.    ■   Take care of yourself and allow
        believe in what Gary Player    I have had the honour of having   We need these people in our lives.                       yourself to dream and have a
        said, “The harder I practice the   a life coach who groomed me   I have had friends who pushed   If it is ok for a sports celebrity     fairytale future.  Daydream
        better I get”, but to excel to the   in business and I still call him   me to go out there and enter   to get help, why are we feeling     about the future and go out and
        levels where these sportsmen   when I get stuck or when I am   competitions like Exporter of the   the pressure in business to     write that future description. n
        and women have gone, takes a   uncertain on handling a certain   year or Business Woman of the   appear perfect, like we know it   T: +27 (0)21 553 2309
        lot more than just practice.  situation.  He has taught me the   year.  Becoming finalists in these   all?  What is stopping us from   E:
          For some reason we look at   art of gratitude and appreciating   events, boosted my self-esteem   being vulnerable and accepting   W:
        these people and accept that   people.  Before I met Carl, I   tremendously.              advice and help?

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