Page 10 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
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           t is no secret, things are really   forming the cornerstones of best   including employment
           tough at the moment. South   practice. Users are allowed access   relationships and contractors, as
        IAfrica is in a technical recession  to personalised support in case   well as stakeholder relationships
        and consumer spending is at an all-  of any unforeseen legal incident   in the ecosystem, such as clients,
        time low. To many small businesses  occurring. The first solution   debtors, shareholders, directors
        this means that the pressure is   of its kind in South Africa, the   and joint ventures.
        very real. As a result, cost cutting   platform supports entrepreneurs   The following documents are
        will inevitably have to follow.   to effectively establish legal
        The reality is, that legal services   foundations in their businesses   examples of those available on the
                                                                    platform (currently hosting over
        are often one of those aspects left   for optimum growth and overall   35 documents / agreement types):
        unattended and would be affected   business success.
        most by cost cutting.                                       ■   Confidentiality and Non-
                                       SchoemanLaw was honoured       Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”)
          Besides this harsh reality, the   earlier this year as a Finalist   ■   Independent Contractor    Sandile Xolo, Marketing and Communications Manager of Ithala SOC Ltd
        cost of reliable legal solutions   in the Nedbank Business     Agreement
        has meant these have been out   Accelerator Programme and   ■   JV Agreement
        of reach for many SMEs and    was the winner of the Gender                                PREPARING FOR THE
        start-ups. As a result, many   Mainstreaming Awards for     ■   MOI and Shareholder’s
        businesses have resorted to using  Women Empowerment in the     Agreement                 INEVITABLE IS A
        free templates from unreliable   Workplace 2018 (category unlisted   ■   T&C’s
        sources and where reliable    Companies). SchoemanLaw was   ■   Supplier Agreement
        templates are obtained – they   recognised due to the platform’s   ■   Last Will and Testament  PRIORITY IN TIGHT
        are often incorrectly utilised or   unique ability to provide access   ■   Lease Agreements
        completed, which renders them   to trusted legal resources that   ■   Loan Agreement      FINANCIAL TIMES
        completely useless.           empowers entrepreneurs and to   ■   Letter Demanding Payment
                                      create sustainable businesses that
          The SchoemanLaw SME Self-   are scalable.                 ■   Various HR Documents and      andile Xolo, marketing and   “The turnaround time for
        Service Desk  aims to address                                 Company Resolutions             communications manager    processing a claim can be as little
        this fundamental problem and fill   The platform further    ■   Offer to Purchase (freehold and    Sat Ithala SOC Ltd. says,   as 48 hours but it is dependent
        the gap by providing an affordable  addresses the need of effective     sectional title)  “Funeral cover is the most sought-  on the client providing us with
        and reliable professional solution   management of individual   ■   BBBEE Affidavits (EME and    after insurance in the country.   all the necessary documentation.
        to start-ups and SMEs. The    needs, such as drafting your     generic QSE) and many more!  Death remains an inevitable part   Lodging a claim should be as easy
        pioneering online platform hosts a  will, the management of crucial                       of the human journey, making   as possible and it simply requires
        range of standard legal documents  relationships in business,   Prices range from R195    funeral cover a necessity.” With
                                                                    and R895 per document if                                    the client to visit any one of our
                                                                    downloaded on a pay- as- you-   South African consumers under   branches to do so,” said Xolo.
                                                                                                  considerable pressure in a tough
                                                                    need- basis or R249 / R495 per   economic environment, a funeral   ■   “When choosing a funeral plan,
                                                                    month on a subscription basis,   cover is the most cost-effective     the most important questions to
                                                                    this is over 75% less than usual   way to prepare for the inevitable     ask yourself are:
                                                                    rates if traditionally drafted by   and to ensure peace of mind.   ■   Who you want the policy to
                                                                    an attorney. What is more, users                              cover?
                                                                    have the support of a law firm   There are over 50 registered
                                                                    not only having created, but   funeral insurance providers in   ■   What expenses you would like
                                                                    who maintains the platform and   South Africa and the industry     the insurance to take care
                                                                    supports each user. They even   grows rapidly each year. The     of, such as groceries and the
                                                                    offer customisable solutions. So,   inaugural Funeral Indaba in 2017     tombstone?
                                                                    there support and a solution for   found that the industry is worth   ■   How much you can afford to
                                                                    any business regardless of size and   between R7-10 billion. Whilst     pay on a monthly basis?
                                                                    industry are on offer.        the majority of schemes are   ■   What impact that the particular
                                                                                                  affordable, the saturated market     covered member’s death would
                                                                     The platform is easy to use, no   makes it imperative for consumers
                                                                    prior legal training is required,   to select a funeral cover that will     have on the family?”
                                                                    and users are supported through   best meet their needs.     Xolo added that this would
                                                                    help texts, free podcasts, videos                           help to determine the need for
                                                                    and training events.           The Consumer Protection      exercising other policy benefits
                                                                                                  Services receives countless
                                                                     The platform is also ever    complaints against various    such as counselling. “Inflation
                                                                    evolving and completely       notable funeral insurance     also largely impacts the monthly
                                                                    customer- driven.  Documents   providers from dissatisfied clients.   premiums,” he said.
                                                                    are added as and when customers   “The most common complaints   The cost of a funeral currently
                                                                    request them. All the documents   that we receive relate to   can range anywhere between
                                                                    are also frequently updated to   consumers not receiving cash in   R15 000 and R200 000, which
                                                                    ensure that they align to the latest   hand when they make claims;   most families are unable to raise
                                                                    best practice. There is no need to   policies that pay out much less   upfront in the event of a loved one
                                                                    leave your legal needs unattended   than what was promised; and   suddenly passing away.
                                                                    ever again! n                 policies that don’t pay out at all,”
                                                                                                                                 “When a family tries to adjust to
                                                                                                  said Tereza Naude, Assistant   living without a loved one, the last
                                                                    Empower your business today, go to:    Director of Consumer Complaints   thing they should have to worry
                                                             at Consumer Protection Services.
                                                                    Nicolene Schoeman-Louw                                      about is how they will remain
                                                                    SchoemanLaw Inc, Cape Town     Financial services provider,   afloat financially. You can take
                                                                    T: 021 425 5604               Ithala SOC Ltd, emphasises the   out a benefit that will pay monthly
                                                                    W:      importance of submitting all   instalments to your family over
                                                                                                  required documentation when   a 12-month period, after your
                                                                                                  lodging a claim as failure to do so   passing. The premiums are
                                                                                                  will result in the claims process   generally affordable, depending
                                                                                                  being stalled which subsequently   on the monthly amount that the
         Nicolene Schoeman-Louw                                                                   impacts pay-out.              family would receive.”  n

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