Page 7 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 7


               n Saturday, 10 November,                                                                                          MEC Sihle Zikalala said that
               Mozambican President                                                                                             the new bridge will boost the
        OFilipe Nyusi and                                                                                                       countries’ economies as it will
        KwaZulu-Natal Economic                                                                                                  enhance trade opportunities,
        Development, Environmental                                                                                              which will make it easier for
        Affairs and Tourism MEC Sihle                                                                                           exports and imports between
        Zikalala officially opened the new                                                                                      the two countries. Zikalala
        Maputo-Catembe Bridge that                                                                                              added that more trade between
        connects Maputo and KwaZulu-
        Natal’s east coast border.                                                                                              the two countries would create
                                                                                                                                more jobs.
          The new bridge has overtaken the
        Matadi Bridge in the Democratic                                                                                           The Maputo-Catembe Bridge
        Republic of Congo as the longest                                                                                        was one of the things that
        suspension bridge in Africa. The                                                                                        the signing of the African
        three-kilometre-long suspension                                                                                         Continental Free Trade Area
        bridge extends 680 metres over                                                                                          (AFCTFA) agreement aimed to
        Maputo Bay.                                                                                                             achieve. The AFCTFA is aimed
                                                                                                                                at facilitating a single market
          The brand-new structure                                                                                               for goods and services on the
        connects Maputo on the
        northern bank of an inlet of                                                                                            continent.
        the Indian Ocean that was      Photo credit Alexandre Nhampossa                                                          The easier access will also
        previously only possible to                                                                                             boost tourism between the
        cross by boat, to Katembe on   “With the completion of this   plans for an improved       Corporation at a cost of over   two countries. In addition,
        the southern bank. It straddles   bridge, the connection of southern   transportation network, which   US$700m.         the bridge is not only Africa’s
        the Indian Ocean inlet of the   Africa to the north over land and   included the proposal of a                          longest suspension bridge, but
        Espirito Santo estuary, 60 metres   across our country is guaranteed,”   bridge, as part of Maputo’s    The Maputo-Catembe Bridge   is a great tourist attraction for
        above the waters below. The   said President Filipe Nyusi.  urbanisation policy, were     will reduce the travel time   Mozambique.
        bridge is also part of a project                                                          between Maputo to Kosi Bay,
        that connects Maputo directly to   The project was a vision of   endorsed by the World Bank.  KwaZulu-Natal’s East coast   Crossing the bridge will
        the South African border by road   former Mozambican President   The project was constructed   border post, from six hours to   cost South Africans
        for the first time.           Samora Machel. In 1989,       by China Road and Bridge      90 minutes.                   approximately R40. n



                bono Communications   young people opportunities for   her determination to make a
                is a 100% female      growth and development through   difference are the strengths that
        Mblack-owned South            employment.                   she brings to her company.
        African company with its base in   She says, “I would like to   Ajanaku’s background includes
        the Eastern Cape. The company   become a catalyst for change   a BA in Political Sciences and
        provides contact centre services   through my company’s     Public Administration and
        and is able to undertake any   service offerings and staffing   a BA Honours in Sociology.
        type of inbound and outbound   requirements. As a graduate   She is currently completing
        campaign across all sectors.   myself, I am aware of the    her master’s degree in
          Managing director and business   plight that many of our young   Conflict Transformation and
        founder, Nalinda Ajanaku, is   people feel when faced with the   Management. Due to her
        strongly driven by the desire to   task of seeking employment   academic background and public
        contribute to the growth of South   and therefore I would like to   sector experience, Ajanaku has a
        Africa’s economy. She intends   contribute to the solution.”   strong understanding of how the
        to achieve this goal by giving   She also believes that     government sector works. This   Nalinda Ajanaku
        young, educated, skilled, creative   entrepreneurial spirit and   knowledge she is now bringing
                                                                    to the corporate sector, which                               The company prides itself
                                                                    will provide a good foundation   Mbono Communications       on its quality assurance
                                                                    to her business as a young black   is able to deliver results at a   processes, which allow the
                                                                    empowered entity.             fraction of the cost of running
                                                                                                  such campaigns inhouse. “We   team to execute successful and
                                                                     It is not surprising then that   take care of unforeseen overhead   compliant campaigns. The
                                                                    although Mbono Communications   costs, staff management issues   advanced systems in place and
                                                                    is less than six months old, the   and operational frustrations   accompanying technology ensure
                                                                    company is already making itself   so that you can focus on what   a high level of data security.
                                                                    known. “Mbono Communications   really matters.”              Ajanuka is excited about the
                                                                    is a full contact centre and we are                         potential for her company’s growth
                                                                    leaders in professional and quality   Due to its expertise within   in the call centre industry. In the
                                                                    customer interaction providing a   communications, Mbono    future, Mbono Communications
                                                                    tailored service.”            Communications are able to assist   would like to double the number
                                                                                                  in customer retention and grow
                                                                     Ajanaku is delighted to be   their clients’ customer bases.   of staff and grow their client base
                                                                    recently contracted by Lexis Nexis                          substantially. n
                                                                    to manage certain parts of their   “We offer a high level of client
                                                                    customer touch points.        service, which complements    Tel: (Direct): +27 (0)41 582 1339
                                                                                                                                Mobile: +27 (0)79 750 0743
                                                                     She says, “As we currently   our enthusiasm for people and   E:
                                                                    are a small company, we       technology,” explains Ajanaku.   W:
                                                                    view our unique approach
                                                                    to implementing campaigns
                                                                    as a ‘boutique’ service. We
                                                                    provide a professional service,
                                                                    which is tailored to the client’s
                                                                    needs complete with all related
                                                                    administration services.”

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