Page 2 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
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               cknowledgment is one     partnership with Transnet Port    promotion unit, Invest Durban,   to your customers, which will
               of those things that you     Terminals: KZN Exporter of the   who cooped no fewer than eight   generate more revenue for your
        Adon’t think about until you    Year Awards.                Diamond Arrow Awards in the   company and motivate you and
        notice it’s missing.          ■   iLembe Chamber’s The      prestigious awards.  your employees to reach greater

          As business leaders, we often     Entrepreneur 2018 competition  Business awards are a way   heights.
        don’t take time to celebrate the   ■   The Minara Business    of recognising the amazing    A business award win or     KWAZULU-NATAL BUSINESS
        successes and achievements, of     Recognition Awards       contributions of these individuals,   nomination can open doors and   CHAMBERS COUNCIL :
        ourselves and of our businesses.   ■   The Pietermaritzburg Chamber    companies and organisations   have a greater impact on the   Chairperson: Judith Nzimande
        However, a celebration provides     Business Awards         to our communities and to the   growth of a smaller company.
        a moment to pause, acknowledge   ■   The Zululand Business    economy of our province of   We therefore encourage all   Secretariat: Lihle Msweli
        the good work that has been done     Chamber Business Awards are    KwaZulu-Natal.        business people to continue to   T: +27 (0)35 797 1807
        as well as the people who do it.                                                                                        M: +27 (0)83 571 0486
                                        to be held later in November.  By acknowledging and       strive for greatness in all that
          As such this copy of KZN                                  celebrating success, we are   you do and to welcome the     Address: ZCBF Community Park,
        Business Sense is proud to feature   We congratulate all those   acknowledging the hard work,   recognition that success brings.   Gate 5, Business Community
                                                                                                                                Building 1 Floor, Guldengracht
        a number of the KBCC members’   individuals, companies and   outstanding achievements and   We look forward to celebrating   Street, Richards Bay, KwaZulu-
        annual award events, which    organisations in the public   vision that has so often driven   with you in 2019.
        acknowledge their members or   and private sector  who have   these journeys.              We would like to thank our   Natal, South Africa
        associates’ endeavours in a range   participated  in and supported   In addition, winning an award   editorial partners for their   Email:
        of categories.                these events.                 is a confirmation that you are   continued support throughout   Website:
        These awards comprise:         In addition, we would like   successful in a competitive   the year. We wish you and all our
                                      to congratulate eThekwini
        ■   The Durban Chamber of     Municipality and its investments   environment.  This in turn will   readers well over the upcoming
          Commerce and Industry, in                                 greatly enhance your reputation   festive season. n


        Vijay Naidoo, President, South Coast   economists agree, are the drivers   creation we all hope for. He needs
        Chamber of Commerce and Industry  of employment creation.   to swiftly dismantle the networks
                                                                    of patronage and cronyism evident
                                       Similarly, Nasper’s commitment
              he announcement that    to invest R3bn in new start-ups.   at all levels of government, and get
              almost R200bn had been                                local municipalities working. It is
        Tpledged by the private       Is this going to be limited to IT   vital that the deployment of these
                                      and technology companies, or are
        sector at the recent investment   they going to seek out ‘bricks and   investments is spread judiciously
        conference convened by        mortar’ businesses, particularly   across the country to ensure that
        President Ramaphosa has been                                the impact on rural and peri-
        greeted with euphoria,  and   in the manufacturing sector   urban poverty and unemployment
        has led to the conference being   or businesses in the township   starts being addressed.
        hailed as a major success. It is   economies.                President Ramaphosa also has
        almost as though the cure for all   The commitment of corporates   an uphill task in convincing
        the economic ills plaguing our   and multinationals to major   foreign investors to match the
        country has been found.       investments, does not to my   undertakings of local companies.   START YOUR

          The reality in my view is much   mind, necessarily signal the   Bearing in mind that foreign
        more sober.                   end of the investment embargo   investors are rarely driven by
                                      from the private sector as the   the altruistic sentiments of   BUSINESS
          While the soundbites of major   President has so confidently   locally based ones, he will have
        corporates like Anglo American   trumpeted: until the large   to persuade them that there will   ertification day after   Three of our participants
        and Naspers pledging billions   number of small and medium   be no move towards populism as     the International       pitched their business plans to
        of rands of ‘investments’ in   enterprises are persuaded to   the national elections approach,  CLabour Organisation’s   Mr Nolan Sundaram, Nedbank
        the local economy, made for   begin investing in their own   and that the policy certainty he is   Start Your Business Course   Branch Manager Richards Bay
        interesting radio and television,   businesses again, the impact   starting to talk about is a reality.   at the Zululand Chamber of   (second from left) and Mr Mags
        one needs to question how     of the investments by the large                              Commerce and Industry took   Govender, Standard Bank’s
        effective and impactful these   companies will soon peter out.   There needs to be a clear and   place on 9 October 2018.  manager: Small Enterprise
        investments are going to be in                              unequivocal pronouncement                                   Richards Bay Region (centre).
        addressing the challenges of   My sense is that businesses   on the land issue that is      The ZCCI’s SMME development
        unemployment for example.     located outside of major      consistently applied. Further,   and support programme       On the left is Yolanda
                                      municipalities and metros     he will have to ensure that line   obtained the International   Joubert, co-owner of Nomda
          Large scale mining is not   are going to hold back until                                 Labour Organisation’s Start Your   International, second from right
        inherently labour intensive   meaningful change is seen in   departments actively pursue the   Business training accreditation   is Pamela Kubheka, owner of
                                                                    programme of red tape reduction
        under modern, mechanised      service delivery and governance   to accelerate the ‘shovel in   during May 2018.         Mbhovana Creations and far
        extraction methods most       at a local and district level.   the ground time’ of all new   The programme provides     right is Neena Bezuidenhout,
        miners have adopted, and while                              projects. n                    capacity building workshops,   owner of Eunoia Beauty, Hair
        suppliers of mining equipment   So, the President has a much                               information sharing sessions,   and Image Expert.
        and allied services might     bigger task in ensuring that the                             access to markets, access to finance   The course was sponsored by
        benefit, how much of this will   investment commitments made   C: 083 7005427              and provides an excellent platform   Trias, from Belgium. n
        trickle down to the small and   actually translate into the catalyst   E:   for networking for emerging and
        medium companies, who most    for economic growth and job   W:            established entrepreneurs.

        KZN BUSINESS SENSE                                    © Copyright of all material is reserved and no part of KZN Business Sense may be   COMMENTS:
                                                              reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of
        Published by: KZN Top Business Portfolio, 71 Underwood Road, Hatton Estates  KZN Top Business.            We welcome comments and seek a lively discussion. Comments that
                                                                                                                  raise questions, clarify content, constitute serious rebuttals, and promote
        Features & Advertising: Grant Adlam: 083 262 9529     While every care has been taken in the compilation of this information and every attempt   discussion are welcomed and encouraged but will be moderated.
                                                                                                                  Moderation of comments may include but are not necessarily limited to
        Editorial: Gayle Adlam: 083 653 0465 | 031 267 1977 |  made to present up-to-date and accurate information, we cannot guarantee that   non publishing of comments, removal of offending material, or editing
                                                              inaccuracies will not occur. KZN Top Business will not be held responsible for any loss,
        Accounts: Tracy Engelbrecht: 060 000 3700 |  damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within these pages.  for spelling or grammar, at the sole discretion of the editorial board of
                                                                                                                  KZN Business Sense.
        Design and Layout: Kezlea Graphics |  The thoughts and opinions expressed here are those of the individual contributors alone   Please send your queries to
                                                              and do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the KwaZulu-Natal Business
        Website:                         Chambers Council, its members,  staff or funding agencies and advertisers.  We look forward to hearing from you!
       KZN BUSINESS SENSE is brought to you by Top Business Portfolio.
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