Page 4 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
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Thekwini Municipality and, a division of CJ potential, whilst recognising Rated’ municipality in a total of Commenting on the swathe of
its investments promotion Hattingh & Sons, is a leading excellence across all industry eight different categories. awards, the result of’s
Eunit, Invest Durban, have South African consultancy and sectors. Invest Durban (formerly known annual survey of KwaZulu-Natal,
collectively scooped no fewer research company. It publishes a undertaken in April and May
The 2018 KwaZulu-
than eight Diamond Arrow business journal, together with Natal Province Business as DIPA), a unit of the eThekwini this year, eThekwini Municipality
Municipality responsible
Awards in the prestigious an online version, serving as a Mayor, Cllr Zandile Gumede, awards, an annual vehicle for the publication of the Excellence Awards Ceremony, for the vital promotion and said: “We are greatly encouraged
facilitation of new business
held at the Greyville Convention
awards event which is designed results of its various surveys, and very pleased that our business
to augment competitiveness, thus branding companies and Centre today (22 October 2018), investment in Greater Durban, stakeholders and other community
received Diamond Awards
saw eThekwini Municipality,
enhance excellence and set institutions identified in such incorporating Invest Durban, in two categories, namely leaders are recognising the renewed
benchmarks in industry. surveys as entities with massive efforts by eThekwini Municipality
being nominated as the ‘Highest Municipalities doing most to to further improve in key
attract foreign/international performance areas.”
investment to KwaZulu-Natal
and Municipalities doing most She added: “I must congratulate
to attract local investment in all the members of my
KwaZulu-Natal. management team for their hard
work; work which has culminated
Top honours in a further six in stakeholder recognition of their
categories went to eThekwini concerted and unified efforts
Municipality. These included and which enables them to enjoy
Municipalities doing most for the accolades which go with
social upliftment in KwaZulu- the presentation of these highly
Natal, Municipalities doing most coveted awards.”
for job creation in KwaZulu- The awards function provided
Natal, Municipalities doing an opportunity for
most to fight crime in KwaZulu- to present its esteemed Diamond,
Natal, Municipalities doing Gold, Silver and Bronze awards
most to develop and enhance to companies, institutions and
infrastructure in KwaZulu-Natal, individuals that have excelled.
Municipalities doing most to clean The event is widely regarded
the environment in KwaZulu- as a public acknowledgement
Natal and Municipalities doing of the valued contributions
most to attract tourism to and sheer hard work of award
EThekwini Municipality and Invest Durban presented with eight prestigious awards at annual KwaZulu-Natal KwaZulu-Natal.
Province Business Excellence Awards Ceremony recipients. n
ing Shaka International character, myriad attractions The MEC said the province had Durban remains the gateway to The aerotropolis would offer
Airport welcomed flight and good infrastructure. It’s set itself a target of attracting Africa, a world-class destination businesses speedy connectivity
KBA41 on Tuesday 30 why we’re proud to offer British 3.4 million international visitors and a hidden gem that will soon to suppliers, customers and
October. Airways’ hospitality and service by 2030 and the new route gave be revealed to the world.” enterprise partners nationally and
on this route. It should help “great impetus to our prospects of worldwide.
The British Airways Boeing British Airways is offering a
787-8 Dreamliner was the first grow international tourism to reaching this target”. launch special from Durban with The provincial government was
of three direct flights a week KwaZulu-Natal and provide a “We are inspired that this new discounts of to 13% on return working with provincial and
between Durban and London’s more convenient alternative for development comes at the time fares. World Traveller launch fares national stakeholders to position
the province’s business travellers
Heathrow airport, in what’s seen when we are working hard to start from R7 740, World Traveller the airport as an alternative air
as a major boost for business and and holidaymakers wanting to get grow our tourism as we intend to Plus from R15 740 and Club World and cargo hub for South Africa.
leisure travel for KwaZulu-Natal. to the UK and Europe.” clock anything between R65- from R33 740 (dependent on
Phindile Makwakwa, the acting billion and R98-billion over the exchange rates). It was envisaged that the Durban
The Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner Aerotropolis would become a
has an advanced design. Its chief executive of Tourism KZN, next two years.” The inaugural flight took catalyst for rapid urbanisation,
composite fuselage has larger said that the United Kingdom was “The Durban-London route place at a time when the KZN employment creation and would
windows and allows for higher one of the region’s best tourism will play a role in us achieving government was implementing spur economic growth-and the
markets.“We have had a healthy
pressurisation and more this target which is expected to the aerotropolis initiative, BA flight was expected to bolster
moisture in the cabin air, all of increase every year but what was contribute to some 183 000 direct which aimed to develop a 21st the Durban Aerotropolis strategy
which contribute to customer missing was direct access and we jobs for our people.” century city around King Shaka through new opportunities in
well-being. know that if there is direct access,
there will be robust interest from The decision by BA to introduce International Airport. tourism and investment. n
Paolo de Renzis, Commercial tour operators,” she said. direct, non-stop direct flights
Manager for Europe, Corporate between London and Durban was
Department of Economic
Sales and Africa, Levant at Development, Tourism and a game-changer, he said.
British Airways & Iberia, said, Environmental Affairs MEC
“Since we announced this new Sihle Zikalala said, “Having EThekwini Municipality Mayor,
route in May, there’s been a direct flights between Durban Cllr Zandile Gumede, said, “We
great deal of excitement about and London will undoubtedly firmly believe that this flight
it. The travel trade, business spur growth in both tourism and will truly transform the Durban
interests, government and the trade for both destinations. We skyline and landscape for tourism
public all appreciate the benefits are certain that South Africans and investment. This brings a
of the move.” realisation of our visitor strategy
will embrace the opportunities which focuses on attracting
“While Britain and KwaZulu- offered by the direct flights visitors and investors from the
Natal differ in many ways, they from Durban ensuring that we UK and European markets to
also share many characteristics: fully benefit from these new our city. This speaks to the city’s
rich history, diverse, multicultural connections. commitment in ensuring that