Page 24 - KZN Chambers Business Sense - Vol4 No5
P. 24


              RG Outsourcing and                                                                                                 President Ramaphosa’s current
              BusinessFit have been                                                                                             drive to woo investors into South
        Daccepted as Platinum                                                                                                   Africa is well timed to take
        members of the London-based                                                                                             advantage of such development.
        South African Chamber of                                                                                                 In a recent letter to Mike
        Commerce UK (SACC) and to be                                                                                            Miller, Theresa May, British
        represented on the South African                                                                                        Prime Minister, expressed her
        arm of its executive committee.                                                                                         strong support for the SACC
        BusinessFit has been successfully                                                                                       and BFI initiative.
        registered as a business entity
        in the United Kingdom (UK) as                                                                                            The South African perspective:
        BusinessFit International Ltd.                                                                                           The BREXIT process will
                                                                                                                                free the UK from the onerous
          BusinessFit was introduced to the                                                                                     constraints that EU regulations
        SACC by Mike Miller, its founding                                                                                       placed upon goods sourced from
        president with roots in South                                                                                           non-EU members, for example,
        Africa. Mike is also the founder of                                                                                     agricultural products.
        SAPRO (South African Products)
        an importer of South African                                                                                             Whilst the ultimate outcome
        products for distribution through                                                                                       of the BREXIT process remains
        his previously founded and owned                                                                                        unclear it is a case of the ‘early bird
        South African shop chain.                                                                                               catching the worm’.
          In recognition of BusinessFit’s                                                                                        The South African economy
        emerging business endeavours,                                                                                           will benefit from sustainable
        we were invited to attend the                                                                                           businesses which will create
        SACC Annual Awards event and                                                                                            employment opportunities
        to present awards to two up and   David White and Akhona Mahlati                                                        to alleviate the growing
        coming member enterprises.      to achieve an better all-    Stage Three introduces in-                                 unemployment rate, especially
        This event also provided the     inclusive understanding.   depth questions to better inform   Significance of this     amongst the educated youth.
        opportunity to display painted                              the Business Research Team in   SACC Service                 In conclusion:
        fabric items produced by emerging   ■   Stage Four:  Research carried    the designated target market                    Now is the time! Participate
        artists located in rural KwaZulu-    out by the BFI team based on                         The UK perspective:           in our BusinessFit Business
        Natal (Magic Moments Trust)     the information revealed from    Stage Four mobilises the                               Assessment Questionnaire via the
        and to elicit orders, which are now     the findings in stages two and    respective research teams in   With the advent of BREXIT,   link via which will
        distributed by SAPRO.           three.                      the UK and/or South Africa to   the UK will be looking afresh   help you in applying your mind to
                                      ■   Stage Five:  A recommendation    discover opportunities prior to   at diversifying its markets and   expanding your market horizons.
          Such activity inspired the idea     is provided to the client in the    making recommendations on the   Commonwealth countries would
        of BusinessFit International (BFI)     form of a formal presentation.   most likely success route in the   represent an obvious starting   Then, allow BusinessFit
        as a service provider focused                               form of a comprehensive report   point. South Africa, with its   International to assess
        upon UK based enterprises      More detail on the content of the   leading to…            strong historical connection   your business’ readiness by
        entering the South African market   questionnaire is provided below:                      with Britain, is bound to become   participating in the business
        and vice-versa. As such, DRG,   Business Assessment          Stage Five: Delivery of the report   reprioritised in this regard.   assessment process. n
        BusinessFit and BFI services are   Questionnaire content    with a presentation on findings
        the cornerstone of the new SACC                             and recommendations
        Business Hub offering services to   Stage One deals with the nature   Implementation: BFI team
        SACC members, where relevant.   of your business, products   members will facilitate the   SOUTH AFRICAN CHAMBER
        This service is being promoted   and track record to date. This   implementation according to their
        in the UK and beyond to SACC   includes your motivation for   respective fields of expertise and   OF COMMERCE UK
        members and potential members.   entering the UK or South African   business networks.
                                      market, based upon your current
        How does it work?             understanding of the environment.   This programme will enable    he South African        in both the United Kingdom
                                      This is a free initial assessment.  the relevant BFI entity to    Chamber of Commerce     and South Africa in an attempt
          A Business Assessment                                                                   TUK is an umbrella            to facilitate the development of
        Questionnaire (BAQ) has been   Stage Two represents the start of   assess companies in the UK   organisation and conduit   business opportunities. n
        developed as the BFI project   the formal fee bearing assessment   wishing to enter South Africa   for trade, community and
        backbone and features five stages,   process and covers topics such as:  or South African companies   investment into and out of South
                                                                    wishing to enter the UK plus
        namely:                       ■   Legal aspects e.g. registered    recommendations in each case on   Africa. The SACC aims to bring   A: Cournswood House, Clappins Lane,
                                                                                                                                North Dean, Buckinghamshire, UK,
        ■   Stage One:  An initial top-     name, ownership and control,    the optimum way to achieve their   under one concerted effort, a   HP14 4NW9
          line review of the UK or South      number of employees   aims.                         forum and meeting point for   E:
          African company that wishes    ■   Results to date e.g. turnover,                       businesses who have an interest   W:
          to enter the other country, to      growth in volume and value,    The Business Assessment
          establish whether they are      route to market, market share  Questionnaire (BAQ) is available
          likely to succeed in the target    ■   Financial status e.g.    online via  and
          country. If a successful      profitability, cashflow, balance    all enquiries will be referred to
          outcome is anticipated, the      sheet                    BFI and the SACC Business Hub.
          client’s company is then invited    ■   Marketing e.g. product range,    Genius Methods software will
          to participate in stage two of      pricing strategy, distribution    coordinate the business assessment
          the process.                  strategy, research available,    process, providing interested
        ■   Stage Two:  A series of key      promotion strategy     parties with confidential user
          questions about each functional    ■   Operations e.g. manufacturing    names and passwords for access to
          area within the client’s business      capabilities, warehousing,    relevant reports. 
          to give a clear overview of the      supply chain          The business assessment process
          business.                   ■   Human Resources e.g.      is also available to businesses in
        ■   Stage Three:  More detailed      Human Capital best-practices    other countries who would like help
          questions are solicited in each      in place in support of enterprise    in entering the United Kingdom or
          function about the business      sustainability           South African markets.

                                                                                                  Sharon Constancon             Michael J.P. Miller

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