Page 52 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
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an employability programme for young matric accountant in an accounting world, but
REGIONAL DIRECTOR KZN, leavers, who live in a community devastated by through seeing the success of our work, and
OFFICER DNKA INC HIV. Caroline commented, “I am really proud of the growth of our practice and clients – I am
what was achieved by the young people in that now very confident that I make a valuable
programme, their success is our success.” contribution to this industry. Our practice
AROLINE SCULLEY or ‘Cah’ as she is is more than accounting and numbers, it
known to her colleagues and clients is In addition, she has spent time as a volunteer is all about growing businesses and I am a
the Chief Operations Officer at DNKA in the United Kingdom for CHIVA (Children’s businesswoman, in the business world. This is
CInc, a firm of accountants and auditors HIV Association) where she assisted with their where I am meant to be.”
based in Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal. annual residential camps for young people
living with HIV. Caroline is really excited to continue to grow
DNKA is a full-service firm offering services DNKA and would also like to enrol for an MBA
from bookkeeping to audits and everything IT TAKES A TEAM in the next 12-24 months. At home, she wants
in between. Caroline’s role is about ensuring to raise her three daughters to be strong,
that the clients of DNKA receive a high-quality Caroline explained that her career has been empathic and passionate people who can
service, while meeting all compliance and motivated by her parents who both worked pursue their happiness.
statutory requirements. The firm looks after very hard to be where they are today. She
over 300 small and medium sizes business – added that her parents had always instilled in EMBRACE OPPORTUNITY
mainly in KwaZulu-Natal – empowering them her the importance of pursuing your goals but
with the financial information to run and also doing everything in a fair and considerate Caroline would advise young women to
develop their businesses. way. “In everything that I do, I try to empower “embrace every experience and opportunity”.
or motivate those around me, and this helps She added, “At school, university and beyond
Uniquely, Caroline is a non-accountant managing those around me to do the same for me. It I have tried to say ‘Yes’ as much as possible,
an accounting practice. She draws on her really does take a team – in both business and and this has led to travel, odd part time
experiences of working with private and public personal life to succeed and I am very proud jobs, conferences and meetings. All of these
clients in the United Kingdom and South Africa to to be part of my teams,” she commented. experiences, as random as they may have
provide solutions for DNKA’s diverse client base. been, have added to the richness and diversity
One of her biggest challenges has been of my experiences.”
FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH moving to South Africa and having to navigate
a different social and business environment For example, she says if she hadn’t answered
Since joining DNKA, the firm has tripled its staff to the UK. She explained, “Moving to a new an advert in a United Kingdom newspaper for
complement and registered as a SAICA training place on the other side of the world with no holiday camp volunteers, she wouldn’t have
office. Caroline explains the benefits: “This is support network is hard. Having to be able worked with CHIVA in the United Kingdom.
allowing us to create our own CAs and AGAs to adapt and work with people with diverse This experience led her to Whizzkids United in
of the future and expose them to diverse small backgrounds compared to my own took an South Africa, which in turn led her to meeting
and medium-sized clients, and wider consulting adjustment. But asking questions, being her husband and setting up a life here in
services beyond assurance. Our team really has respectful and empathic can really take you KwaZulu-Natal.
grown from strength to strength, and this has a long way. I also had fantastic support from
allowed us to offer our clients more services, the other members of the DNKA management Caroline is married to Julian and is the mother
specialisms and support.” team, Nasser and Sthembiso who helped me to a toddler – Penelope aged three, and two
navigate the new environment.” She explained teenage stepdaughters (Melissa 15, Alex 12).
Before Caroline joined DNKA, she was a further, “My team at DNKA are my motivation, Caroline was supposed to be in SA for six
fulltime international volunteer at WhizzKids I want to create opportunities and growth for months but met Julian and the rest is history.
United based in Edendale just outside of them so that they can meet their goals.”
Pietermaritzburg where she contributed to As a family, they love to go away for weekends
the management and running of the NGO for Speaking of other challenges, Caroline added, spent camping, and she also loves to get stuck
two years. Her initial role there was to set up “I have at times doubted my role as a non- in to DIY home and craft projects.