Page 54 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
P. 54
Jasmeena has also implemented company and a business. These were not challenges
JASMEENA SHIBA, DIRECTOR policies and processes to assist staff in working that I personally faced alone, we faced them
AT ROYAL TYRES efficiently and effectively. Her goal being to as a team and this is how we overcame the
build a strong workforce and create an inclusive challenges,” explains Jasmeena. “There were
company culture. tough decisions that had to be made to survive,
ASMEENA SHIBA is a director at Royal and our priority was our staff and the family’s
Tyres, which is a leading tyre fitment MOTIVATED AND ACCOUNTABLE dependent on them. For us working as a team,
centre and part of the Bestdrive franchise. trusting our team, and constantly adapting to
JRoyal Tyres is a family run business that For Jasmeena, her motivation comes from the changing environment, is how we overcame
was started by Jasmeena’s grandfather in knowing the responsibilities she has as a these challenges,” she said.
1939 and celebrates its 83rd anniversary in 2022. director and employer. This motivation includes
The company is South Africa’s oldest tyre dealer. the responsibility she has for the livelihood of “My future goals are simple but important,”
all the employees relying and depending on her. says Jasmeena, “to be healthy, to be happy,
Jasmeena was born in the heart of the Indian Her motivation extends to the responsibility support my team, support my staff, and strive
casbah in Victoria Street, Durban and later she has for the sustainability and success to always do my best in all my endeavours.”
moved to Reservoir Hills. of the business. “Being accountable for the
business and its people, keeps me motivated VALUES ARE IMPORTANT
She studied Business Administration through ML and on track,” she commented.
Sultan Technikon, which led to her being exposed In advising young women who are entering
to many industries over the years where she also Her inspiration has been her father and mother the business world, Jasmeena cautions,
garnered international experience. Jasmeena who, she says, have gone through so many “Don’t lose yourself to prove yourself. Stay
lived in London, United Kingdom for 13 years challenges with the business over the years. true to yourself and your values which are so
between 1998 and 2011 where she worked as They have been her mentors and inspired her important. Don’t get lost trying to make your
an IT Analyst for investment banks (Alexander and her fellow directors. Jasmeena says, “They mark or make a difference in a space that is
Forbes, Deutsche Borse Bank), Media (Sky News), have definitely inspired us to take the business not aligned with who you really are. Be humble
and Health Care (NHSU). to the next level, they guide us if they see us and always trust your gut when it comes to a
making a wrong decision that could cost us.” big decision. And be consistent, consistency
Jasmeena joined the family business in 2011 Her father, who is CEO, is still actively involved delivers results.”
as the first female director at Royal Tyres, in the business, to provide direction. Jasmeena
which is predominantly male-orientated. This, commented, “We don’t do expensive school Jasmeena has been married for 21 years and
together with Jasmeena’s international business fees so to speak – we go to my dad who says, has three children. The boys are aged 16 and 12
administration experience, has brought a new ‘no don’t do that or yes do that. So that has and her daughter is 9, which, she says, means
dimension to the business. been a huge help.” life is pretty busy. To stay balanced, she likes
to keep fit and active as this allows her time
She says, “Being the first female director in the TEAMWORK OVERCOMES CHALLENGES to recalibrate. As a family they stay active by
history of the business is a difference in itself. doing bike rides and going to the gym.
I have added some female qualities to the For Jasmeena, the most obvious challenges
business and always look at the female aspect.” are being in the motor industry as a female CONSISTENCY IS KEY
in management. Despite this, she is well
Consequently, Jasmeena has been able to supported by the team and management Jasmeena concludes by saying: “Sometimes
contribute to the business and the client board. Recent challenges, faced by Royal Tyres, when we start off, we cannot see the finish
experience, from a female perspective, bringing as with many businesses, was Covid, and in line. But don’t give up, keep going and the key
into the equation what a female client would Durban it was the floods, looting and protesting is to be consistent. You won’t see the results
like to experience when having her vehicle which broke many Durban businesses who immediately, but just keep going and be
fitted with tyres, and has made these types could not recover their losses. “We worked consistent as it’s a long-term thing, the results
of changes. with these challenges collectively as a team will come.”