Page 58 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
P. 58

do  we  create  a  website  to  showcase  your   footprint, Nureshka’s future goals for Shopli
           NURESHKA VIRANNA, CO-OPERATIVE                products or services, so that you are more      are to grow this expansion into other provinces
           FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR OF SHOPLI                credible, you can get more business, and        as well as internationally, to give the company
                                                         create brand awareness. When it comes to        a stronger foothold.
                                                         an online store, we help take your products
                  URESHKA VIRANNA is the young,          online to ensure they are easily accessible to   On  giving  advice  to  women,  or  men  for  that
                  dynamic and vibrant co-operative-      the consumer, so that this becomes another      matter, following this industry or following in
                  founder and director of a company      income stream.”                                 her path, her recommendation is to never give
        Ncalled Shopli.                                                                                  up. “There are always going to be challenges, so
                                                         Reflecting on her journey in this predominantly   you need to take everything in your stride and
          Shopli is an e-commerce and web design         male-orientated  technological  environment,
          agency, that, in this age of digital information   Nureshka  shares  that  her  biggest  inspiration   keep on trying,” she says. “The thing is that if
          technology,  helps  to  take  businesses  online   has been her business partner, Avilash Aniruth,   there is a challenge you are facing, you should
          and become more visible in this space.         who has operated his marketing agency for       never give up, chances are you are closest to
                                                                                                         reaching a breakthrough to something great.
                                                         the past 20 years. This agency is also the sister
          Nureshka and her team, measure their                                                           So, don’t give up. I believe that if you are
          business achievements by their clients and     company to Shopli. As Nureshka enthuses,        passionate  about  what  you  want  to  achieve,
                                                         “Avilash has inspired me in what he has
          the success their client experience through the   achieved and how he has achieved his goals.”     you will never go wrong.”
          work Shopli has done for them. Nureshka adds,   She has also been greatly inspired by women    KEEPING GROUNDED
          “Our  biggest  achievements  are  our  clients.  I   in technology, such as Sheryl Sandberg who
          think that our clients speak for themselves. We   was  a  big  force  in  growing  Facebook.  “You   To relax and unwind, Nureshka spends a lot
          are ecstatic when clients share how their leads   don’t get many women success stories in tech,”   of time with family and friends who, by being
          have increased or how they have increased      says Nureshka, “so for me she is very inspiring    in their company, keep her grounded. “Your
          their sales.”                                  and encouraging.”                               business can consume you in the sense that it

          FOCUSING ON YOUR VISION                        KNOWING YOUR VALUE                              becomes you and you forget about life itself,
                                                                                                         so ‘my people’ are a big part of keeping that in
          When it comes to accolades, Nureshka has       In  reflecting  on  the  challenges,  she  has   perspective,” she  says. She  also  enjoys  sport
          been recognised and featured by Forbes as      encountered along her career path, Nureshka     and being active, as well as reading. Nureshka
          being in the Top 30 Under 30, for the strides   says that the biggest challenge was that of being   believes everyone needs to learn how to have
          she has made in technology, which is a huge    a woman in tech. “Tech is a very male dominated   a  balanced  life.  “I  am  still  learning  to  live  a
          achievement  for  a  young,  female-driven     industry, so clients wouldn’t necessarily take   harmonious life, but I think it’s amazing to do
          technology company.                            me as seriously, and you are initially seen more   what you love, be passionate about what you
                                                         as a sales rep going into a meeting. They didn’t   do, wake up in the morning and love going to
          “Our mission and our vision have always been                                                   work,” she says.
          about  our  customers.  It  has  always  been   see me as the expert in my field. However, once
                                                         I showed businesses I knew exactly what I was
          customers first and how do we help them grow   talking about, and what we had achieved with    Nureshka  firmly  believes  it’s  important  to
          their business.  That’s how we started, and this   other clients, my success spoke for itself. So, for   recognise your support systems. “I have
          is our why,” explains Nureshka.                me personally, overcoming that preconceived     amazing parents; my late dad was a huge
                                                                                                         support to me. Then I’ve got my team who are
          The  core  function  at  Shopli  is  that  together   perception and proving to clients that I was just   the core of my business,
          with their  production  team, they design and   as good as any male in tech (without being sexist),
          develop websites and online stores for clients.     was a huge accomplishment,” says Nureshka.     they help run my business, so I’m extremely
          As  Nureshka  expands  on  this,  “We  have  an   She encourages women to know their value and   grateful to them.” acknowledges Nureshka.
          approach where we make it our business         the expertise they bring to the business.       “It’s been an honour to be recognised as a Top
          to understand what your company does,          EXPANDING OUR FOOTPRINT                         30 Under 30 by Forbes because it’s opened a
          to understand what makes your company                                                          lot of doors and it’s helped me meet amazing
          different, what sets you apart, and only then   With an existing national and international    people throughout Africa.”

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