Page 60 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
P. 60

KHETHIWE ZULU, AUTHOR AND GAME                After completing her first book, Khethiwe knew   “I know that it’s important to educate people,
           DEVELOPER: SOUTH AFRICAN HISTORY              that it would be so much easier for children    and especially children, on our history and my
           RETOLD, FOUNDER: CREATIVE BOSS                to  read  her  stories  in  their  own  language,   commitment to this goal helped me persevere
                                                         and determined to reach the widest audience     when things got tough.”
                                                         possible, she translated her book into isiZulu.
                HETHIWE ZULU, in her book South                                                          CONSISTENCY BREEDS ACHIEVEMENT
                African History Retold, tells the stories   In 2020, Khethiwe wrote her second book:
                of the often-forgotten struggle heroes   South  African  History  Retold;  A  Beginner’s   “My  advice  to  anybody,  whether  in  business
        Kwho gave their lives for the liberation         Guide to Women in the Liberation Struggle,      or  working  towards  a  different  goal,  is
          of generations to come. As she points out,     honouring the many South African women          that  you  need  to  be  committed,  persistent
          “Sadly, many of them are more familiar for     who fought bravely for our freedom. “Women      and consistent. Achievement comes from
          the  streets  and  buildings  that  carry  their   played a major role in our history, and we need   consistency. Do the mundane, daily, sometimes
          names, than the contribution they’ve made to   to honour them for their contribution.”         boring  tasks  consistently  in  order  to  reap
          our history.”                                                                                  the rewards and the excitement that comes
                                                         “My specialities were always writing, editing   with success.”
          Khethiwe’s first book was a natural progression   and content development,” says Khethiwe.
          from  her business  career.   After an  Honours   So,  it’s  unsurprising  that  she  developed  her   LOOKING TO THE FUTURE
          Degree in  English  from the University of     books into an interactive format. Spotting      Keen to share her knowledge and bring accurate
          KwaZulu-Natal, Khethiwe flexed her writing skills   another opportunity to reach her market, she   information to a new generation, Khethiwe
          in the business world, with a career in marketing   created a board game based on her books.   says  “You  can’t  rely  on  Twitter  Speak  for
          in retail shopping centres before founding her   Aimed at children, Did you Know turns history   nuanced answers about complex information!”
          own marketing agency, Creative Boss.           into  a  popular  and  accessible  game,  making   When it comes to topics like history or our
                                                         history memorable in the most relatable way,
          Business communications was a perfect outlet   and building on her dream to make history       constitutional democracy, you need a reliable
          for her skills, but her passion for reading and   relevant even to young children.             source  of information. The trick to engaging
          writing became a drive to impart these to                                                      people, and children in particular, is breaking
          previously  disadvantaged  children.  And  when   Khethiwe has a six-year-old daughter.  “I wanted   complex material down into small chunks that
          she realised how many ordinary people were     her to learn that no matter how ordinary you    are easy to understand and digest.
          unaware of their rich history, her dream of    think you are, you can change the world.”  She   And  she  aims  to  provide  it.  Right  now,
          writing a book became a reality. She turned    points out that the men and women she writes    Khethiwe is working on her new book about
          the  book  into  the  first  South  African  history   about didn’t see themselves as extraordinary.     our  constitution  and  how  government  and
          boardgame called “Did you really know?”        “But  they had a  meaningful  goal  and  that’s   democracy works in South Africa,
                                                         why they were able to create a better future
          TURNING A PASSION INTO A BUSINESS              for our children.”                              Khethiwe’s priority is her young daughter, and

          Khethiwe explains the challenge of writing     OVERCOMING CHALLENGES                           her passion lies in spending most of her free
          South African History Retold was not in the                                                    time writing indigenous fairy tales for her.  Her
          research or the writing. The biggest challenge   Any major project presents challenges, and    career gives her flexibility to spend a lot of time
          was  doing  everything herself.  Unlike  the   writing books is  no different. Khethiwe was    with her daughter, cooking and going for walks.
          corporate environment where there’s a team,    supported by the people around her; friends,    Khethiwe is also a keen tennis player and,
          she didn’t just take on the research and the   neighbours  and  ordinary  parents  of  the     unsurprisingly, an avid reader.
          writing.  She did it all - even the marketing.  “I   children she wanted to read her stories.  The   PARTING WISDOM
          think I’d have found it a whole lot easier to sit   more she talked about her first book, the
          quietly and focus on the writing,” she laughs,   more  she  realised  there  was  a  market  for   You need to know yourself before you can
          “but when you have a new project you usually   it, and that the very people she was writing     believe  in yourself. And  to  know  yourself you
          have to do it all and that’s true in starting a   for were hungry for the stories she wanted   have to go back to the beginning, so don’t ignore
          business too.                                  to tell.                                        your history, or the history of our country.

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