Page 56 - KZN Top Business Women 2022 Powed by DRG & BusinessFit SA
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JEANINE TOPPING, FOUNDER AND PIVOTING TO MEET CHALLENGES very excited about this because there’s a real
DIRECTOR JT&A AND WEALTH AND Jeanine counts surviving Covid and still being in need among our existing client base for good
PROGRESS TRAINING business, and keeping six people fully employed training administrative staff.”
J EANINE TOPPING says her purpose in “Lockdown was a rollercoaster,” she says. “We’ve There are also opportunities for Wealth and
throughout as her major achievements.
Progress Training. The company currently
business is to grow people, and she drives
had to pivot, adapt and make big changes time
offers a Trainers and Developers Practitioner
this through two different companies.
and time again. We moved offices four times
for growth here. The company is about to
Firstly, Jeanine owns JT&A, a SETA over the last three years.” This was disruptive Qualification, and Jeanine sees great potential
and time consuming, but JT&A is now settled in
Accreditation business that serves clients our bright new offices in Pinetown.” introduce a new initiative whereby they actively
in the training industry. “We help our recruit unemployed people with a background
clients grow their businesses and thrive,” Unsurprisingly in a people business, staff in training administration and source funding
says Jeanine. “Through our coaching and issues have also been a challenge over the past to train them in this practitioner qualification.
mentoring programmes, we help them achieve few years. Jeanine points out that every person This will grow the Wealth and Progress
accreditation and once they have this, they has been facing their own challenges, even Training business while providing the industry
have a licence to train and award SAQA points in the aftermath of Covid. “It’s not enough to with much needed training and development
for their courses. This means they’re more discipline staff who aren’t delivering, you have co-ordinators.
competitive than non-accredited training to find out the reasons why, and see what you Jeanine points out that their JT&A clients also
programmes, and more likely to get funding can do to help them achieve their targets by need these skills in their businesses, so this
for their businesses.” way of counselling and support them, often on initiative also dovetails seamlessly with the
a personal level. Over the years I’ve learnt that
Secondly, Jeanine is a director of Wealth and if I take this approach, I see the benefits – for JT&A recruitment division
Progress Training. She explains: “Through Wealth my staff members, our team and the whole Asked to share her wisdom with up-and-
and Progress Training, we empower people organisation.” coming businesswomen, Jeanine is specific.
with various leadership and entrepreneurial “To succeed you need to believe in yourself,
programmes. We work with both employed But while things have settled in some ways, your goals and your passion and don’t listen to
and unemployed people to help them realise the challenges continue. There have been people who tell you, you can’t do it.” She also
their potential.” substantial changes in the Sector Education
and Training Authorities (SETAs) accreditation points out that you can’t always rely on advice.
Jeanine’s passion in this company is facilitating sector, including the introduction of “Be careful who you listen to. Are they qualified
the Flip The Switch course, which involves her accreditation with QCTO instead of the 21 to give you advice? If they aren’t successful
helping groups find their Inner Cheerleader. SETAs, and there are new processes and themselves, can you trust what they have to
Jeanine is a qualified Rapid Transformation systems. Jeanine and her team need to tell you?”
Therapist (RTT) and helps corporates with continually adapt.
their Employee Assistance Programme LAST WORD
through running this course and conducting New skills programmes have also been Jeanine and her partner Trevor – my BFF –
one on one RTT Sessions. introduced into South Africa, and new curricula
from the South African Qualifications Authority share six adult children between the ages of
INSPIRED BY HER COACHES (SAQA), and JT&A must get to grips with all this 28 and 42, so she’s probably as well qualified
change. “We have to know about all the new to advise you on family matters as she is
A firm believer in coaching, Jeanine has worked SAQA programmes and their curricula so we on business growth! “We also have a new
with two business coaches over the years, and can support our clients,” says Jeanine. miniature Maltese poodle who has captured
gives them credit for helping her build her my heart,” says Jeanine. “And Trevor and I love
business. “Marlene my most recent business Typically, however, she focuses on the positive. to travel. We’ve just been to Mauritius and
coach taught me tenacity. She helped me “With all this change comes new opportunities,” before that it was a 10-day trip to the Cape.
see that when things go wrong, which they she points out. “There are some amazing new Of course, we had to juggle work to cope, but
inevitably do, you can’t go down the rabbit qualifications, and our clients need us to guide I have an amazing team to keep the business
hole. All you have to do is put one foot in front them through and help them adapt, formulate running while I’m away.”
of the other, and deal with the issues step by their training programmes and get them
step.” Jeanine points out that her training as accredited. There’s so much we can do to help.” “If you’re running a business, and it has
an RTT Therapist has played a huge role in GROWTH IN 2023 survived the last three years, you’re a winner.
having a calming and supportive influence, And in terms of KZN Top Business Women, I’d
which has helped her deal with the very real Jeanine has big plans for 2023 for JT&A and like to wish all the participants the very best.
challenges presented by the pandemic. is launching a recruitment division. “We’re Everyone in this group is a winner.”