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asil Williams, the founder four products – Afya Rolled Vegan Society of South Africa
and director of Afya Oats, Afya Sorghum and Afya and Diabetes SA.”
BFoods, became interested Mealie Meal (coarse and fine).
These endorsements make
in nutrition on a personal level All products are unrefined Afya Foods very unique in the
after discovering the benefits of meaning that they have high food business especially in the
making healthier food choices and amount of fibre, which helps
experiencing the direct impact on ensure a healthy gut. An carbohydrate sector. “All four
his own health and wellness. of our products are geared not
important aspect of eating to create havoc with your sugar
Williams ascertained that unrefined foods is that they levels,” says Williams.
he wanted to be involved in help control glucose levels. Of Afya Foods tries to source its
some sort of health enterprise significance all four products
that benefitted the masses. He are NOT genetically modified raw material (grain) from local
explained, “I thought that was (Non-GMO). “This is how and regional farmers – especially
the best way to help people in nature intended and we have poor subsistence farmers who are
South Africa, where we have a given them to you in that form,” willing to grow grain according
high level of lifestyle diseases. I explained Williams. to specifics to meet the product Basil Williams
wanted to make something out He added, “We are currently offering requirements. from the various foundations Afya Foods is now taking its
of my purpose, which is to help the only company in the country Williams prides himself on and societies, which was a long product to market and occupies a
people and to create a legacy for supplying yellow non-GMO the fact that the company is process. Another milestone was niche market in the health section
generations to come.” He added, mealie meal, rolled oats and creating jobs directly through in obtaining a regular supply of of food stores. All four products
“I always knew that I did not just sorghum (amabele or maltabella) employment opportunities non- GMO yellow maize from are available in over 200 stores
want to work for somebody and that are certified and endorsed at Afya Foods and indirectly Agri-South Africa. The raw including selected Spar stores,
live an ordinary life.” through using local farmers to
by The Glycaemic Index rolled oats are imported, a supply Food Lover’s Market stores, The
Consequently, Afya Foods was Foundation of SA (Low GI), the grow the grain of these also had to be negotiated. Veggie Shop and Oxford Food
founded in 2015 and supplies Heart and Stroke Foundation, Afya Foods has overcome a Ensuring that the packaging stores.
number of obstacles to bring was of high quality and attractive
its products to market and the was another milestone. Williams
last five years have had many explained, “Fortunately for Afya
challenges. Apart from setting Foods we have done a lot of work
up the company and acquiring behind the scenes, especially to
premises, the milestones were to get the packaging right, which is
overcome the financial burden of important to the consumer and
getting all four products tested to the shopkeeper. We did a three
– including vigorous laboratory year pilot project where we tested
testing – where nutritional the market to see what perception
analysis of all products is we would get before we started
performed, which comes at in earnest on the product
great cost, explained Williams. production. Afya Foods has
This testing was required prior cracked that part and the market
to obtaining endorsements is ready and waiting for us.”
ental x-rays are images of While dental x-rays are typically may already require a crown, root Since digital imaging requires
your teeth that your dentist performed yearly, they can happen canal, or may even need to be a lower level of radiation
Duses to assess your oral more often if the progress of a extracted. than traditional x-rays, the
health. However, many patients dental problem or treatment is result is less exposure and
Extraoral x-rays focus is the
question if dental x-rays are being tracked. Factors affecting jaw and skull and are used to a safer experience for both the
necessary and if they are safe. how often you need to have dental look for impacted teeth, monitor patient and the dental professional
x-rays may include your: administering the digital x-rays.
The short answer is, “Dental growth and development of the
x-rays are safe and often beneficial ■ Age jaws in relation to the teeth, and To put dental x-rays into
to your oral health,” said ■ Current oral health to identify potential problems perspective they can be compared
Dr Fareed Amod of Crown Dental ■ Any symptoms of oral disease between teeth and jaws and to other environmental sources of
Studio. “Many dental problems are ■ A history of gum disease the temporomandibular joint. radiation. The dose of radiation is
invisible to the naked eye, and the (gingivitis) or tooth decay While cancer and tumours of measured in millirems or mrem; a
x-rays allows a better assessment the jaw are rare, the prognosis is standard dental x-ray gives off 0.5 Dr Fareed Amod
of any potential problems in Intraoral x-rays are the most always better if you can treat mrem, while a single digital dental your daily life,” says Dr Amod.
tooth enamel, gums, bone and common type of dental x-ray these early. x-ray has 0.1 mrem of radiation. “X-rays allow for a better quality
tooth roots. We provide digital taken. These allow the dentist to Your dentist may also need to This can be compared to: of service, and better access
imaging for our patients as part see any small cavities that may be ■ 35 mrem per year: Natural to the information required to
of a standard full examination developing in between the teeth diagnose a problem that’s causing radiation from soil manage dental health, which are
to comprehensively identify and as well as infections between the pain or to determine the structure ■ 36 mrem per year: Smoking
diagnose any treatment needs and tooth and gums. Once cavities of your mouth to place dental one pack of cigarettes a day some of the factors that matter
to address our patients’ concerns.” are visible in the mouth, the tooth work. ■ 5 mrem per year: Drinking a lot to patients to keep their
In addition, digital imaging has water smiles intact.”
changed the technique of dental ■ 10 mrem per year: Using
x-rays and the way in which natural gas for heating and Crown Dental Studio is one of the few
many dentists practice. In digital cooking truly 24-hour dental practises in Durban
radiography, a sensor is inserted as this is not limited to emergency
dentistry treatment.
into your mouth which captures “Basically, while dental x-rays
the images of your teeth. The expose you to some radiation, T: +27 (0)81 207 8621
digital sensor is an electronic the benefits of having them E:
device connected to a computer. performed outweigh the risks.
The sensor captures the images The amount of radiation to which
and then projects them on a you are exposed during a dental
screen for viewing by both you x-ray is minimal in relation to
and your dentist. the exposure that you receive in