Page 20 - Yearbook 2019
P. 20

Sean Gardner
Sean is an Account Manager who works alongside a wide portfolio of DJB clients in Central Government and arm's length companies. Sean has a reputation among the  rm’s clients for being approachable and supportive to their needs. He works closely with clients to understand how they operate and the challenges they face. Prior to joining DJB Sean performed a similar role with property developers for a large law  rm.
Sarah Galley
Sarah joined DJB in 2018 having read Land Economy at the University of Cambridge. With a grounding in project management, compliance, marketing, operations and business ef ciencies at DJB, Sarah brings all of these experiences to her Account Management role. Sarah worked with Lizzie Collin to develop MODI: a tool which centralises information to enhance our service to our clients and streamlines marketing and operational activities.
Lizzie Collin
Lizzie graduated from the University of Warwick with a BA (Hons) in English Literature in 2018. Alongside Account Management, Lizzie takes an active role in project management, business ef ciencies and key marketing functions including material creation, website and social media management and event management. Lizzie worked with Sarah Galley to design and build MODI.

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