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Tractors, tanks and fast cars, it’s Salisbury Plain
ow, BTCC aside, this is a land which I the right direction.
am very familiar with but I won’t
Nindulge you all with that one. Not So what did our boys have to say about
when this circuit proved so successful for Thruxton.
Matt and Dan last year. and what’s more, we
are going there twice during 2019. Matt Neal:
Now, for those of us that drive to the circuit “It has been an incredibly special weekend
will have a fair share of frustrations heading and I am delighted to have given the Civic
to the Salisbury Plain Circuit but worry not, Type R (FK8) its first BTCC victory on ‘home
the action and spectacle are so well worth it. soil’ at Thruxton. That pole lap is one I am
Take my word for it, I was there last year in especially proud of – I was hanging
basking sunshine. everything out there – so I am really chuffed
to turn it into a win. I had a fantastic start to
Let’s recap on last years action with Matt and grab the lead through the opening bends
Dan. Firstly, Matt broke the lap record to and from there the Civic Type R’s strengths
take his first pole of the season and then through the quick corners meant no-one
went on to win the first race, a second could get close to me. To get another
podium 3rd and then an eighth spot in the podium in race two with that much ballast
last race. What a weekend. demonstrates just how good the package is
and shows we are very much in the title
Dan did his normal fourth in qualies, (getting battle this year. I really think the tide is
a bit of a habit, these 4ths) and then went on changing for us and this is the start of good
to finish 3rd in the first race, 26th in the things to come.”
second and then a very commendable 13th
in the final race. Dan Cammish:
In my unqualified opinion, I believe this was “Race one was a brilliant result for the entire
the first opportunity for the FK8 to really team. To get a double podium is a huge
stretch it’s legs. It’s a fast circuit with those reward for everybody’s efforts in making the
long, sweeping corners. The track was Honda Civic Type R such a competitive
warm, the car was set up like a dream and machine. It was a great qualifying for me and
the points rolled in. For me, this was the one to turn that into my second podium finish of
race that turned the West Midlands team into the season is very satisfying. Race two didn’t
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