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P. 21
15/16 June 2019
car after definitely is. Through the very fast
Barcroft and then hard on the anchors,
slamming it down two gears for a long double
right Sunny In and Sunny Out. Again, quicker
than you think, but very easy to overcook it on
the way in and way out, so you need to be
precise. In the wet sometimes you can find
more grip around the outside off the racing
line through Sunny Out. Also, be careful not
to drop your left wheels on to the left kerb at
mid-point of the two corners as it can drag
you on further and into trouble.
Sunny Out points you back towards home for
another blast up to the final complex. The first
90-degree left is pretty fast still and you need
to hold it tight, but you can carry more speed
than you think through here. Through the long
left in 4th then down two to 2nd for a tight
right-hander and a short blip down to the final
Hairpin. Watch not to drift too wide out of the
right as it costs time and can hurt tyres. The
final Hairpin is the last chance for that last-
gasp overtaking manoeuvre. If you’re leading,
stay tight and watch you don’t run wide on
the exit. If you’re following, see if they leave
the door open and an opportunity can open
up. If not, cut wide and see if you can sling
shot for a good run back up the start/finish
That’s my lap of Croft. A great circuit that I
only wish we could race at more often
Dan Cammish on Croft 2018
“It was certainly an uphill struggle! I arrived
here having never driven a front wheel-drive Team Dynamics Results 2018
car round Croft before and with not a lot of
time to adapt during free practice. We Croft
definitely missed a trick this weekend. We
were nowhere in qualifying, so we changed
the set-up massively for race one but that only Drivers Championship
made things worse. Fortunately, Matt went in
the other direction and it worked for him so Matt Neal 3rd 127 points
we copied that and from then on, things Dan Cammish 13th 80 points
picked up. I think I did the best job I could
over the weekend, but Matt’s greater
experience definitely told. Race two was solid, Team Championship
but we didn’t really have the pace on the hard Halfords Yuasa 2nd 204 points
tyre in race three. Although the results
perhaps don’t show it, I honestly don’t think
there’s a lot more I could have done. This Constructors Championship
championship is tough, but as a driver, I’m Honda 2nd 367 points
learning and improving all the time and that’s
the main goal.”
Croft Circuit
So there you have it Matt loves it, Dan had a West Lane
few issues with it. So as far as my limited
prediction goes, Matt established himself in to Dalton On Tees
3rd place on the standings so based on that North Yorkshire
and the fact he loves Croft, I would say this DL2 2PL
will be a strong one for Matt. Dan has now
been blooded here, last year was very much a Ticket Hotline: 01325 721815
learning curve so again, I would expect to see
Dan perform strongly. 21 |