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Hills and high speed in beautiful Cheshire
have to say, of all of the circuits on the disappointed with the action.
BTCC calendar, Oulton Park is not only a
Ivery stunning setting but also one of So how did the lads fair here last year?
those circuits that spectators dream of.
Matt Neal on Oulton Park
Oulton, in recent years has been a favourite
with the Honda team. Just take a look at “Not a bad weekend for us. Maybe no cigar
the haul of points and trophy’s in 2017 this time. We weren’t too sure how we were
between Matt and Flash. going to go. I think it was promising with
the car and I was just unlucky in the last
Not the widest of circuits but certainly a real race, otherwise I think we could have had
driving challenge. Straight after the start three fairly solid top six finishes. We would
finish straight, you find yourself barrelling have been right up there in the
down a hill to a tight left. along a straight to championship. It means we’re going to be a
a sweeping left before a pants-clinching bit lighter going into Croft and given how
hairpin then back below the spectators on close it is this year everything can change
the hill before turning right and charging in a meeting as Colin (Turkington) has
back up towards the home straight. So shown. Where you qualify really dictates
much fun! your weekend and your fortunes. Being
lighter will help us in qualifying because it is
One thing I did realise about Oulton Park is so close. There’s a long way to go yet –
that she is very unforgiving. One wrong we’re not even half way.”
move and she will spit you out in a vicious
way. This is one track where the Dan Cammish on Oulton Park
Marshalls really earn their money, not that
they don’t elsewhere. They certainly did “It was always going to be tough coming
that last year, not only in the BTCC races here, the first time at a track where I’ve not
but also the support races including a rolled had chance to test. I did the best job I
Clio. thought I could in qualifying and it’s
highlighted a few little issues in myself and
I have to admit, I love this track. It’s highly my mentality, in the way I’m approaching it.
exciting, in a gorgeous setting and it’s very I think I need to follow Matt’s lead a little
spectator friendly. If fact, if you place more really and accept it’s too early on for
yourself on the bank above Hill Top straight me in the BTCC and in front-wheel drive to
you will be able to see a good two thirds of expect to have much of an input in terms of
the circuit. Take it from me, we were there setup. He has a habit of getting the car
last year and were certainly not where it needs to be for qualifying and he
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